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"This time I really need to go, I promise it's not an excuse to go out and get a surprise this time. There's been a massive car accident and they need every last doctor available. I'll be home as soon as I can" Taehyung hugged the younger tightly, pressing kisses all over his face before saying goodbye one last time and rushing out of the door.

Jungkook was nervous. He had an alert from his phone, saying that there had been a bad accident involving around 10 people. He wasn't called in due to the fact he was an intern, he wasn't fully qualified as his exams would be at the end of the year, so it was best that he wasn't there and technically they still had 6 days till they went back to work.

Taehyung sped over to the hospital as soon as he could and sprinted to the emergency room waiting upon the arrival of the patients. Everyone who was called to work this emergency were gathering as much as they could, oxygen masks, equipment, making sure theatres were ready.

"As you know there's been a car accident involving 5 adolescents, 2 adults and 2 children. 2 of the adolescents and 1 of the adults have already been confirmed dead at the scene. 1 is receiving cpr at the scene while the two children and one of the adults are already on the way. And the other 2 adolescents are still yet to be rescued. It's going to be a long night" someone yelled at everyone who was rushing.

"FIRST AMBULANCE HERE" nurses ran to the double doors and opened them. The paramedics opened the doors of the van and wheeled out the first patient which was one of the children.

The paramedics chased behind yelling details. Taehyung was preparing the anaesthetics in readiness when he heard them yell the child was completely unconscious, and had a slow heart beat, along with the fact it had a broken back and leg. Taehyung looked behind him and caught a glimpse of the child's face, the sight was heart breaking.

The next ambulance arrived with the other child, "She's 6 years old, severe damage to the head, showing symptoms of internal bleeding in the brain" Tae saw Namjoon and Jin running with the bed this time. Their faces were blank, this was an utter nightmare to everyone in the hospital. These sort of emergencies where devastating.

"Ambulance 3, Doctor Kim we need you for this one" one of the paramedics yelled.
Taehyung quickly rushed over waiting at the double doors.
The patient was being wheeled out of the ambulance safely and once the bed was on the ground, Taehyung ran to the side, holding the bed as they ran the women in.

"We have a 31 year old female, 8 months pregnant. Took a heavy crush to the stomach, and head. Arm and foot broken, along with internal bleeding to both the stomach and head. Heavy vaginal bleeding and very faint heart beat to both baby and mother. Skin covered in burn marks and cuts" the paramedic said finishing the overview.

Because of the lack of surgeons, Taehyung had to help alongside another surgeon. Taehyung was qualified to be a surgeon he just didn't like doing it often.

They all ran into the theatre and began examining even further. They sedated the mother making sure she wasn't going to wake up half way through and began to check the health of the baby.

"Baby's heartbeat faint, we are going to have to perform a c-section first making the baby premature, if not they'll both die" Taehyung commanded as he pulled on his gloves.

Everyone got to work and quickly but safely began the c-section. With a nurse constantly checking the mothers vitals on the machine, watching to see if there was any changes in oxygen levels, heart beat, blood pressure etc. Another was working on the females external bleeding.
"We need to hurry, we are losing both of them" the surgeon muttered.

Three hours passed and they were still in there. Taehyung and the surgeon were covered in blood. Before the could remove the baby, they noticed something wasn't right, as the mother was bleeding heavily. The female had a uterine rupture, due to the trauma experienced leaving her in a very critical state. The babies heartbeat was still there, so they safely removed the baby before anything became worse.

Taehyung finally removed the baby and cut the umbilical cord. The surgeon quickly took the baby along with the nurse to get it examined. While Taehyung and a few others were left with the mother patient.

They got to work with her uterus, but her bleeding wasn't stopping. They heard the heart monitor pick up speed and they saw her heartbeat was at 120 beats per minute till all of a sudden the line went flat.

They grabbed the equipment needed and rubbed the two plates together before placing it on her chest, and turning the machine on to try and revive her.
They repeated the same action.
"We can't give up, come on" Taehyung screamed, rubbing the plates together again before pressing them to her chest.
"Again, thrice"

But all there was, was a deathly silence. After trying again and again, she was confirmed dead. Taehyung tried his best not to fall apart there and then. The surgeon came back with a look of devastation to.
"Baby died too" he said, also trying not to cry.
Taehyung nodded, and they got to work to stitch the mother back up.

Taehyung walked out the room knowing he wasn't needed there, and as he walked down the corridor he heard his name being called.
"Mr Kim, we need you" someone shouted from one of the other theatres.

Taehyung quickly rushed in not even being able to second guess it. He ran in and saw a teenage boy in a cardiac arrest. "Quick grab the defibrillator" Taehyung shouted, seeing that the surgeon was Donghyun who was in the state of shock, no wonder Tae was called.

The nurses pressed it to his chest, and after the second shock, the boy came around and his heartbeat and breathing was back to normal and steady. They all released a quick breath which they had all been holding and got back to the surgery with the help of Tae.

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