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It was 5 am and finally Taehyung was able to go home. He didn't even have the chance to clean himself up. He jumped into the car and drove home as safely as possible. The car was dead silent, something which he hadn't had since the pregnant casualty died which was hours ago. His head was blank, he physically couldn't comprehend thinking, thinking about what happened, thinking about anything really.

He finally made it home, after about a 10 hour shift. He sluggishly got out of the car, with a pounding headache and walked through the door. The second he locked the door was immediately pulled into a huge comforting hug.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around the elders neck and placed a hand on the back of his head. Tae sighed and quickly ducked his head into the younger's neck while hugging him around his waist. Not even a minute later, Taehyung burst into tears.
"Tete" Jungkook whispered, rubbing the boys back softly, moving his hand up and down the boys back.

Jungkook felt Tae shove his face deeper inside the younger's neck, as he cried uncontrollably.
"I'm here, I'm here" Jungkook reassured.
They stood there for a little while before Jungkook decided that Tae needed a shower and go to bed.

"Tete let's go upstairs hm. Do you want to have a shower?" Jungkook asked softly, as he encouraged the boy to pull away from his neck, which he did eventually.
Jungkook cupped the boys cheek and he was quick to lean into his hand. Jungkook rubbed his thumb over the elders face, softly drying the elders cheeks before they became irritated.

"Would you rather have a bath instead?"
"Will you have it with me?" Taehyung asked in a tiny voice and the tears still spilled out his eyes.
"Of course I will" Jungkook spoke softly, kissing the elders cheek gently.
Jungkook removed his hand from his cheek and quickly held Tae's hand so he didn't feel the loss of warmth.

He walked upstairs with Tae slowly walking behind him. He walked them to the bedroom and quietly shut the door behind them so he didn't wake the baby up.

"Get undressed and I'll run the bath okay"Jungkook left to go to their on suit bathroom. He left the door open just so Tae could see him in his vision.
He ran a nice warm bath with some bubbles in. He also grabbed Tae's shampoo and conditioner from the shower so he could wash his hair.

While Jungkook was preparing the bath, Tae took his time to undress himself. He put the scrubs in the bin, trying his best to ignore the blood stains which were so on his clothes. Once he was done he walked to the bathroom and saw Jungkook finishing the bath.

Jungkook turned around and smiled at the boy. Jungkook helped him into the bath, before quickly stripping his clothes off and joining the other. Tae pulled the younger onto his lap, as there was enough space due to it begin a big square bath.

He hugged the boys waist tightly hugging him close. Jungkook sighed softly, feeling extreme guilt. Before Taehyung had come home, Jungkook had been sleeping on the couch waiting for Tae's arrival. He hadn't had an updates or anything, until he got a phone call from Yoongi, saying that Tae was on his way home and gave an overview as to what happened. He knew Taehyung was beating himself up about it all, even though he tried his hardest. He felt guilty that he was suffering.

Jungkook cupped his hands together, and scooped water up, to wet the elders hair. He grabbed the shampoo and squeezed some into the palm of his hands and rubbed them together to emulsify the shampoo before he massaged it into his hair. Jungkook made sure Tae's eyes were covered before washing the shampoo out.

He did the same with the conditioner, before he just combed his hair with his fingers. Taehyung had been sat there silent for a little while now, just letting do what the younger pleased at this point.

"How does bed sound?" Jungkook asked noticing the water turn slightly cold.
Taehyung nodded and hummed.
So he quickly stood up and grabbed warm towels and quickly wrapped one around Tae and then him. The embarrassment of being naked didn't even come to him right now, his only focus was Tae, no one or nothing else.

Jungkook grabbed the elder a pair of warm joggers and gave them to him knowing he wouldn't want to wear a shirt. He quickly wore an oversized shirt and boxers and noticed Tae getting into bed. Jungkook shook his head and grabbed his towel, before crawling on the bed and sat on his lap.

"Don't want my boyfie feeling cold, now do I"
He placed to towel over his head and massaged his hair with it trying to dry it. After every few minutes Jungkook would press kisses to his forehead or cheek until finally he was done.

Jungkook threw the blanket into the basket and got under the duvet. He didn't really know how Tae wanted to sleep, so he laid still and let the elder do what he wanted. Taehyung curled up to the younger and rested his head on his chest. His leg swung over the younger's, while his arm cuddled Jungkook's waist.

"Get some sleep" Jungkook whispered, combing his fingers through the fluffy hair.
"I love you, so much, and I'm so proud of you, I'll be here when you wake up" Jungkook began to sing a song that he would sing to Bam occasionally to get him to sleep.

Thankfully once the song ended Taehyung was fast asleep. Jungkook took his time to study the boys face. His face was white washed, his eye brows were furrowed. He couldn't imagine how much stress he put himself through.

So he sat there for a little while just playing with his hair. Just as he began to doze off the baby monitor went off. Bam was crying and wailing. He sighed and quickly turned the monitor off not wanting Tae to wake up. He slipped out of the elders grip and tiptoed out to calm the baby down.

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