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"Don't cry baby" Jungkook whined bouncing the baby gently in his arms, trying to hush the child but it wasn't working.
Bam was around 7 months now and was growing rather fast. Jungkook was currently home alone with Bam while Taehyung was called in for an emergency but Jungkook wasn't needed so he stayed home.

They were currently on the couch, with the baby spilling out tears, whining if Jungkook made a distance from the child to check what was going on. So Jungkook kept the baby close, letting the babies head rest on his shoulder. But what took Jungkook by shock was the funny feeling he felt on his neck.

Bam had began suckling on his neck, Jungkook giggled at the sensation and quickly tried to find a pacifier. When he did he made sure to clean it before sitting back down and pealed the child away to give him his pacifier. But Bam was quick to kick up a stink and spat it out, whining to be close to Jungkook again.

"Oh I think I know" Jungkook sighed, pulling the child away from his neck again, again Bam whined.
"Hold on bub please" Jungkook begged as he placed the baby on his back, on his own legs. Jungkook carefully lifted the babies lips up and noticed a peep of white coming through, with red gums.

"Baby you're growing little teeth" Jungkook gasped in excitement but Bam still cried.
"It's okay baby, I'll get you something" He kept the baby in his hip bouncing him gently, while he fished through the baby bag and finally found the gel.

He set that baby down again and washed his hand. Once done he poured some onto his finger and gently glided his finger over the babies gums to lessen the pain.
"Good boy baby" Jungkook complimented, nuzzling his face into the babies stomach, which finally after so long Bam let out a giggle. He repeated the action and rubbed his tummy softly.

Bam sighed, and lifted his arms up wanting Jungkook's comfort.
"Awh sweetie I'm sorry" Jungkook teared up thinking how much pain the boy must be in.
He brought them to the couch and laid down, thinking that the boy might want to snuggle. As soon as he laid down Bam began the clutch onto his shirt pulling his with his small clasp.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow and watched how Bam squirmed around and continued to whine while tugging Jungkook's shirt. Jungkook lifted his shirt wondering if he just wanted skin to skin contact. But instead he wanted Jungkook's nipple.

He was quite shocked but he didn't protest as the baby had been crying all morning. He knew it wasn't because he was hungry, as he only fed the boy half an hour ago. It was a strange feeling but he let the boy do as he will.

Later on the boy fell asleep, so Jungkook placed him in his cot and gently rocked it. He pushed his shirt back down and began making food for when Taehyung came back knowing he's hungry and will need food in his system. He stirred the pasta sauce keeping it on a low heat till suddenly the doorbell went.

He paused thinking it might just be Tae letting him know he was here. But the door didn't open, and there went the door bell again. Jungkook turned off the heat and looked through the peep hole in the door and saw... his brother. Jungkook gulped and quickly locked the door knowing he was going to get caught.

He sprinted off and grabbed Bam hiding on the stairs wanting to know if his brother says anything.
"Jungkook, I know you're in there! Open the door" he yelled banging on the door.
All the loud noises caused Bam to stir and began whining.
"Shhh baby it's okay" Jungkook said holding onto him safely.

"Come on you dick, don't be a pussy and get out here now" he screamed again.
Bam was on the verge of crying, he hated the loud banging and yelling, and Jungkook felt useless that he can't do anything.

"Jungkook get out here now! I know you're in there, you can't hide from us. Just because you were kicked out doesn't mean you can live life without us in it!" He screamed banging on the door, trying to open it even though it was locked.

"Open the fucking door" he screamed again.
That was last straw, Bam began to wail. He didn't understand what was going on, but he could see the distress in Jungkook making him distressed and upset too.

Jungkook quietly carried the baby upstairs trying to make sure no noise was made when he ran up the stairs besides the crying of the baby.
"Right in the count of 3 I'm coming in"
Jungkook began crying as he sprinted somewhere to hide.

"Please my baby, calm down. You're okay" Jungkook rocked them side to side hushing the younger's cries.
Jungkook pressed small kisses over the baby's face, trying to show him it's okay, even though they were hidden at the end of the closet beneath some clothes.

Jungkook doesn't know how long he was in that wardrobe for but it was long enough for Bam to fall asleep and him to cry the whole ocean.
"Jungkook?" A yell was heard, but it wasn't his brothers voice.
Jungkook scrambled out of the closet, quickly yet gently placing the sleeping baby into his cot before running downstairs.

He basically flew down seeing the man come from the lounge with a worried face. Jungkook launched himself onto the man, jumping up and wrapping his arms around the elders neck and legs around his waist.

"I'm so happy to see you" Jungkook cried into his neck from relief. "Are you okay, did he hurt you?" Jungkook said holding onto the boys face, checking for any cuts or scratches.
"I'm fine baby what do you mean did he hurt you?, what happened? Are you okay? I got home and couldn't find you anywhere"

Jungkook hugged him tighter taking in the doctors safe smell, even if it did smell like cleaning supplies.
"My brother found me here, I locked the door and hid, I don't know what he wants but it didn't sound very welcoming, I'm just glad your home" Jungkook yawned tiredly after an emotional few hours.

"It's okay I'm here now"

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