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"Tae Tae Tae Tae, they have jelly and ice cre..woah" Jungkook's jaw dropped, as he ran into the room thinking Taehyung would be at his desk.
But instead he was stripping off his shirt and discarding it away leaving him topless with the elders body on full show, showing hidden tattoos all over his body which Jungkook had no idea about.
"I-uh" Jungkook said trying to look around and was about to go but someone pulled him back into the room.

Tae shut the door and pushed Jungkook up against it. Jungkook turned a bright shade of red as he tried looking around at something which wasn't him.

"What were you going to say bambi?" Taehyung whispered in a deep tone making Jungkook freeze.

This has only happened a few times, and these scenarios always formed the warm pool in the bottom of Jungkook's stomach. He loved the feeling of it though and the excitement was always present but they never went any further than just being a few inches apart of each other. But boi how that was all going to change.

"I uhm was going to say that's there's jelly and ice cream in the canteen" Jungkook awkwardly coughed.
"Hm well I'd rather have something else, much sweeter" Tae's voice dripping with want.
Jungkook gulped, and slowly brought his shaky hands to the doctors chest. He gently traced his fingers over the males upper body and along his tattoos, before looking deep into his eyes.

"God forgive me" Taehyung whispered under his breath before leaving further until their lips touched.
Jungkook was shook but not so much that he froze. Jungkook kissed back with ease, a small smile on his face as he kissed the doctor back. He felt ecstatic.

Taehyung had no intention in pulling away which made the whole thing even better. Neither had the thought of worry that they regretted it as Tae only pulled the younger in as close as he could. While Jungkook wrapped his arms around Tae's bare neck and ran his fingers through the doctors hair.

"Mmm Tae" Jungkook hummed as he pulled his lips away. In the few seconds he took a breath, Tae trailed soft kisses along his jaw. But the second he got to the shell of Jungkook's ear, he let out a small moan. Jungkook blushed but felt the need to kiss him again, so he pulled Tae's face away and attached their lips together again.

They made out for a little while longer until they broke away. Jungkook placed his head on Tae's bare chest and caught his breath. Taehyung hugged the intern close and pressed small kisses to his head.

"Sorry to cut the silence but that was the best make out I've ever had" Tae admitted whole heartedly.
"Shut up" Jungkook smacked the doctors chest playfully.
"Ow don't hit my chest" Tae grumbled.
"Well it's not my fault you're half naked" Jungkook sassed back stepping away from Tae, as he saw Bam in the basket on the other side of the room, thankfully he couldn't see what just happened.

"Well Bam over there threw up all over my shirt, so I wasn't going to continue my shift with an icky shirt and you just so happened to walk in when I was changing my shirt" Tae snorted as he grabbed another shirt.

Jungkook caressed the babies cheek who was sleeping peacefully, as he had a tight grip on his blanket. The sight was so endearing to him, Bam was so beautiful and perfect in so many different ways.

Jungkook was knocked out of trance when he felt an arm snake around his waist and lean on him from behind.
"Bambi, do you still want to get that jelly?"
"Yes!" Jungkook shouted but quickly smacked his face looking over at the baby which scrunched his nose.
"Come on then, do you want to take Bam?" Tae laughed.
"Sure" Jungkook clapped, skipping towards Bam and picking him up.

The pair walked through the corridor, both with flushed cheeks, not behind able to comprehend what happened in the room. Jungkook had his arms safely around the baby, holding him tight while Bam sucked on his little thumb.

They walked into the canteen and went to get the jelly and ice cream along with a pot of nachos which they would share. Jungkook looked around thinking that their normal group would be there but they weren't. So Jungkook shuffled closer to the elder and questioned where the others were and Taehyung replied saying that they had their lunch break early.

"Hey Doctor Kim, come sit with us" another group called.
Jungkook didn't know any of their names and had only passed them briefly, and yet he was being dragged towards the table by Taehyung.

"Hey, Doctor Jeon will be sitting with us as well as my son" Tae said as a statement not as a question for permission.
"Oh yeah of course" she said with a hint of jealousy in her tone, but it wasn't too prominent.
Jungkook awkwardly sat down with Bam still sleeping on his shoulder.

Taehyung and the others started talking immediately while Jungkook tried to jump into the conversation as much as he could but it wasn't easy. So he just ate while paying most of his attention to the baby. Taehyung noticed the quietness and slowly led his left hand to the younger's thigh. He gently gripped onto the inner of his thighs and just kept it there, hiding well under the table.

Jungkook tried to hide his smile as he felt a wash of comfort wash over him.
"Hey Doctor Kim, can I hold your baby?" the nurse who called them to the table asked.
"Uh well I think he's sleeping at the moment maybe later?" Taehyung didn't really want to be rude but at the same time he didn't want her to hold his child.
"Uh come on please"
Taehyung sighed and nodded, Jungkook carefully passed Bam to Taehyung waking the baby up all of a sudden.

Once Taehyung passed Bam over to the nurse, she tried to hold him but was failing miserably.
"T-try and support him on his back and under his bum, but not fold him" Jungkook tried to help but she just rolled her eyes and didn't listen.

Till all of a sudden Bam began to cry and throw his arms around. He moved his head around till he could see Jungkook in his eye view. Bam quickly reached his arms up towards Jungkook and sobbed loudly.

"Why won't this rat not shut up?" She spat not knowing what to do with the child.
Jungkook quickly leapt to his feet and pulled Bam out of her arms and into his own. Bam quickly shoved his head into Jungkook's neck and sniffed as he began to calm down. Taehyung stood up as well and looked at the nurse coldly.

"My son isn't a rat, I'd watch your mouth if I were you, unless you don't want your job here anymore. If you think you can get away with working at a hospital and judge my child them honey this isn't the job for you" with that being said Tae and Jungkook left the table together, leaving the nurses embarrassed and ashamed.

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