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"Shh baby please don't cry" Tae rubbed her back gently, but the child wouldn't stop.
Jungkook stirred in his sleep as he nuzzled his face into Tae's stomach, before letting out a small whine.
"Is she okay?" Jungkook mumbled softly as he slowly lifted his head from the elder to attend to his daughter.
"I think she might be hungry" Tae suggested.

Jungkook nodded and shuffled himself backwards, leaning himself onto Tae's chest. Taehyung passed the baby over when Jungkook was comfortable and had moved his hospital gown to allow the baby to nurse from Jungkook's nipple. At first Areum wasn't sure but once Jungkook got her into a comfortable position she began to feed, while keeping her hand on Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook rested his head under Tae's chin and sighed tiredly.
"You feeling okay Bambi?" Tae asked as he caressed the younger's cheek softly.
"I feel great, I'm tired but I feel on top of the world"
"Me too bub, how-"
"Mama! Dada! Bam hewre" they heard as a group of people walked in.
Jungkook smiled widely, excited that their other baby is able to speak, maybe not fluently but enough for them to understand.

Tae lifted a blanket up covering Jungkook's chest while he fed Aruem as the group walked in. Jungkook kissed Tae's neck as a thank you and turned his attention to the people walking in.

"Oh you are all here" Jungkook smiled seeing, everyone, including Namjoon and Jin and also Yoongi, Jimin and Hobi also Tae's parents and Bam.
"Of course, we couldn't miss out on seeing your second child" Yoongi smiled.
"Well she's feeding at the moment, you can wait here till she's done" Tae smiled.
Everyone took a seat while Bam was wanting to sit with his parents.

"Mama" Bam began crying in his grandparents hold.
"Bam you need to be patient sweetie" Mrs Kim tried to calm him but he kept thrashing.
"It's okay, he can come on the bed with us" Jungkook giggled at his son.
"Are you sure?" Mrs Kim asked as she slowly stood up.
"Of course, he'll be behaved, won't you baby" Jungkook removed one of his arms which was wrapped under Areum and held it up for Bam to slip under.

"Mama" Bam cheered as he quickly lateched onto Jungkook on the other side of his chest.
"Hey baby, be careful of your little sister okay" Jungkook kissed the boys forehead as he nodded not really understanding as he hadn't seen his sister yet.

"How was the delivery?" Jimin asked as he bounced his legs in excitement.
"It's was okay, it was scary but I thought it was going to hurt a lot more. It's weird having it done after performing a few c-sections before on other people. But at least I know what it feels like"
"You were very brave baby" Tae added, kissing his head.

"Mama bwave" Bam asked with a cheeky smile.
"Very brave isn't he champ" Tae ruffled his hair with a admiring smile, when his son nods.
"Awhh aren't you the cutest" Jungkook smothered the boy with kisses making his scream out giggles, while everyone in the room watched with melting hearts.

After a few discussions, Jungkook felt his nipple being freed and the grip on his chest wasn't so tight. So he slowly and carefully pulled his daughter away from his chest and covered it with his dress again, before bringing the baby up from under the blanket. Gasps filled the room as they looked at the small girl, which had a hairs covering her head, a little button nose and big doe eyes.

"She's adorable" Hobi cooed.
"She's definitely going to adopt Jungkook's deer eyes" Jin muttered as he looked at her with sweet eyes.
"I don't have deer eyes" Jungkook pouted angrily.
Areum let out a loud yawn, and stretched her arms and legs before snuggling back up to Jungkook once again, falling into a deep sleep.

Jungkook turned his head to someone who was being a little too quiet.
"Are you alright bub?" Jungkook questioned the boy who was snuggled up to his neck, while clutching onto Tae's arm.
"That's you little sitter buddy" Tae commented.
"Can you say sister?" Jungkook encouraged the boy.
"S-sisshy" Bam tried but couldn't do it, he reached his small hands out and gently caressed her cheek.

Aruem's nose twitched slightly but moved her face towards the hand. Bam got a little more confident and leant down while holding onto Jungkook, pressing a kiss to her head.
"Good job bub" Jungkook smiled widely. He looked up at Tae who was tearing up at the sight.
"Softie" Jungkook whispered under his lips as the curved upwards.

"Can we hold her?" Mrs Kim asked, itching to see her granddaughter.
"Sure, you all can, just don't disturb her" Jungkook passed the baby to Mrs Kim who quickly pulled her into her arms.
Jungkook leant up so Tae could move his legs as they had been stuck in the same place for a long while.

He held onto Bam and back up while Tae wrapped his arm around the younger. Bam jumped into Tae's lap. Jungkook held Tae's cheeks and kissed him. Tae smiled and kissed him back, pulling away he kissed Jungkook's cheeks.
"This is our family now" Tae whispered as his eyes scanned the room.
Jungkook nodded and agreed.
"The best family I could ever ask for" Jungkook rested his head on Tae's shoulder.

Areum had been passed around everyone and was now back in Mrs Kim hold before she began crying.
"Oh sweetie looks like someone is missing her parents" Mrs Kim cooed, as she brought the screaming baby back to her parents.

Jungoook circled his arms around her and brought her to his chest. Jungkook hushed her and pressed kisses to her face till finally she calmed down and fell asleep.
"Okay well we should leave you both to it, how long have you got to stay here for?" Mr Kim asked as they packed their stuff away.
"Until tomorrow hopefully"
"Okay great, well call if you need anything"

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