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"Come on baby you need to walk" Tae instructed to the boy who was spread out on the bed in pain.
"I don't wanna, I hurt everywhere, you can't make me" Jungkook pouted, as he held his stomach in pain.
"Kookoo, you need to move sweet"
"No, my feet hurt, my back hurts, my stomach hurts, my boobs hurt so much that they are literally leaking milk. You can only pump so much milk until they start to hurt" Jungkook whined.

"I'm sorry Bambi, I wish I could take all your pain away, but you need to walk, I promise we can just walk to the end of the street and back" Tae suggested.
"Fine, but you're carrying me if I end up being paralysed or something"
"Deal" Tae nodded as he grabbed his shoes and helped the younger out on his trainers.

Tae put Bam on a baby harness so that Bam could practice walking too.
He helped his two babies out of the house and shut the door. He held the younger's hand tightly, while held the harness tightly too, watching his son in case he's about to slip over. They walked very slowly as his two babies were struggling to keep up with his normal walking.

"Tae my stomach hurts to fucking much, I wanna go home" Jungkook whined as he waddled along the street.
"I know sweet, but you need to stretch, your due any day now"
"Exactly I'm due any day now, so I really shouldn't be walki-ouch"

"Koo you okay" Tae asked as Jungkook stopped holding his stomach.
"Tae my stomach- Ah fuck, my stomach hurts so much" Jungkook cried, clutching onto Tae's arm in desperation.
"Everything will be okay, let's get you home and to the hospital okay" Tae swooped Bam off his feet and into his arms while he guided his fiancé back home.

He quickly rang his mother so that they could look after Bam while they went to the hospital, which she replied with that she was on her way, knowing Mrs Kim she was probably speeding over.
"Okay, let's grab the baby bag" Tae ran upstairs to their bedroom and grabbed their hospital bag they had pre packed a few weeks before the due date.

When Tae ran back down stairs, Mrs Kim had already arrived and was attending Jungkook while they waited for Tae.
"Let's go" Tae huffed out of breath, before leaning down and carefully picking the boy up bridal style.
"We'll come to the hospital as soon as possible" Mrs Kim smiled as she bounced Bam in her arms.
"Thanks ma" Tae smiled and rushed off to place Jungkook in the back seat of the car.

Once they arrived at the hospital, Tae had already made all the phone calls he needed, one being the hospital. There was already a nurse on stand by with a wheelchair waiting for their arrival. When she saw Taehyung wave her over, she sprinted over with the wheel chair and set it next to the car, helping Tae lift Jungkook into it.

"It's okay Dr Jeon, everything will be over soon" she reassured as they went into the hospital and he was taken to a private ward, as Tae was the best doctor there, and so they wouldn't give him anything less.
They helped Jungkook get dressed in the hospital gown and they did a few checks.
"Okay so it looks like you're having contractions, we are going to wait an hour or two before we do a delivery of you child, so for now we are going to give you something which will help ease the pain of the contractions, and then we can deliver your baby in a few hours" the doctor said.
"Thank you Doctor" Tae bowed to him as he went back to Jungkook.

"I'm so proud of you, you've carried her for 9 months and now finally we get to see her! Are you excited Bambi?" Tae asked to distract the younger, while he threaded his fingers through the raven hair.
"Hmm, I just want this pain to stop" Jungkook whimpered.
"I know, it will do soon I promise. But you're strong aren't you and so brave and you're going to give birth to our beautiful daughter and Bam's beautiful sister" Tae kissed the younger's sweaty forehead.
"You'll be with me, won't you? through the whole operation. I won't be able to do it without you there" Jungkook pleaded.
"Of course I will be every step of the way" Tae promised.

Moments passed and it was time for Jungkook to deliver the baby.
"Dr Kim can you wait here?" The nurse smiled.
"No he has to come with me, please, I can't do it if he's not there, please" Jungkook panicked holding onto Tae's arm desperately, worried that they wouldn't let him in.
"Hey calm down sweetheart, don't stress yourself out" Tae leant down and kissed his forehead gently.
"Okay sure just because you're a doctor, I'll let you in"

"See baby, all will be okay" Tae smiled at him softly, which the younger nodded to.
"Okay anyway let's go, are you ready to see your daughter?" The nurse asked as she wheeled the bed into the theatre for them to perform a c-section.
"I'm so ready" Jungkook beamed, still very nervous though as he looked around the theatre room with everyone smiling at him.

They settled him down, and put up a screen so that Jungkook couldn't see that his stomach was being operated on. Taehyung was sat on a stool next to the younger's face. Jungkook had his head turned to look directly at the elder. He made sure all his focus was on his fiancé, scared that he was going to panic if not. Tae pulled a few funny faces to make Jungkook smile which it did.

Time passed and the theatre was filled with baby cries. They held the baby up so that Jungkook could see his baby and see that she was okay. While the nurses cleaned Jungkook up, they cleaned up the baby. Taehyung stayed with Jungkook, pushing his sweaty strands of hair out of his face, leaning kisses along his forehead.
"I'm so proud of you baby, so so proud once you've held Areum, how about you sleep for a bit, and get some rest"
Jungkook nodded and agreed and felt excitement rush through his body impatiently waiting to hold his daughter.

When Areum was wrapped in a fluffy towel they placed her in her mothers arms. She threw around her arms as she stretched with her eyes still shut.
"She's so beautiful" Tae smiled, gushing over his baby.
"She really is, I love her so much" Jungkook teared up, caressing her flushed chubby cheeks.
"Bam is going to love her" Tae endearingly smiled at the scene which was unfolding.

They took them back to the room and the nurse showed how the breast feed the baby. Jungkook picked it up quickly and was able to feed Areum very quickly. Once fed, Tae suggested the younger to sleep. Although he didn't want to, he knew he should, so he passed Areum to Tae while he settled down. Tae ran his spare hand through the boys hair as he began to fall sleep, hugging Tae's thigh while his head fell on his stomach. Aruem followed her mama in sleeping not long after, leaving Tae to admire them both.

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