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"I can't find my water bottle!" Jungkook stressed looking around the house.
"I can't leave without my water! If I don't have my water how am I supposed to hydrate, if I can't hydrate I'll be distracted and then I'll fail my exams" Jungkook began hyperventilating, crouching down in a squat shoving his face into his hands.

Taehyung sighed, seeing the water bottle in the sink and quickly placed it next to the younger's bag. He walked over to his lover and bent down behind the boy. Jungkook's squat looked as if he was a little egg but Tae couldn't smile about it now as the boy was upset.

He wrapped his arms tightly around the boys crouched legs picking him off the floor keeping him in his egg shape in his arms. Although Jungkook was upset he couldn't believe how strong Taehyung was, he had just picked him off the floor like he was nothing, and now he was sitting in his arms in the air.

Anyway, Taehyung walked him to the kitchen and placed the boy on the counter. Jungkook got himself comfortable, and allowed the boy to stand between his legs. The doctor caressed the younger's cheeks and instructed him to breathe.

"Relax sweetheart. Take deep breathes for me, breathe in" Tae instructed making Jungkook follow.
"Now breathe out" he instructed again, and Jungkook followed.
"Good boy" Tae kissed the younger's nose, and wiped the boys cheeks with his sleeve as they were covered with tears.

"Now, don't stress, you're prepared. You've put your heart and soul into revision and it'll pay off. Just trust yourself, no matter what happens I'll be proud of you. I love you and everything will work out" Taehyung finished off the little talk with a long kiss to his forehead.

Jungkook didn't say anything and instead wrapped his arms around the elders neck. Tae smiled and nuzzled his face into the boy.
"I love you okay" Taehyung whispered.
"And I love you" Jungkook mumbled back, taking in all of Tae's warmth as much as possible melting into him wanting to be as close to Tae as possible.

Taehyung noticed a pen on the the side table and quickly grabbed it. He moved away quickly and held the younger's hand. He popped open the pen lid and quickly drew a small heart on the back of the interns hand.
"Now when you stress, you've got a reminder of me to look at in your exam"
"You're an angel" Jungkook latched himself back onto Tae again and sighed.

"Right let's head out yeah, so you aren't late" Tae suggested but Jungkook just whined, shuffling closer to Tae even more.
"Okay okay, your bag is packed right?" Tae asked, scanning the room.
"Yeah, other than my water bottle"
"Don't worry, I found it before I came to you" Tae ruffled the younger's hair.

He wrapped an arm around the younger's ass and picked him off the counter. He grabbed the back pack and threw it on his other shoulder. He then walked to the living room and picked the baby up who was in his car seat already.

"Let's go my babies" Taehyung laughed as he carried his family in his arms not knowing he was also carrying a new member, but that will all be revealed later.

He walked them to the car and made sure his babies where comfortable before driving off. Taehyung let the younger play whatever music he wanted knowing it would be a way of calming and relaxing him before the exam. There was no point in Jungkook reading his text book because nothing would go in and there's always the worry of over revising. He needed to make sure he was properly relaxed.

They arrived at the university, right outside the examination centre. Jungkook saw everyone outside the hall revising everything last minute.
"You've got it, don't think about other people, think about yourself. And promise me one thing, when you come out of that exam hall, don't and I'm saying don't talk to anyone who took that exam. Because that's the worst thing possible"

Jungkook nodded and quickly agreed before looking at the time. 5 minutes.
Jungkook and Tae got out of the car, with Taehyung coming around to his side of the car. Jungkook had opened the back door and picked Bam out of his car seat. Bam quickly cuddled the boy and pressed a small kiss to his mama's cheek.

"Thank you bub, be good for your dada hm" Jungkook nuzzled his nose into the baby's chubby cheek.
After he passed Bam to Taehyung, he quickly hugged the elder, placing his face into the elders chest. Tae held him close and kissed his hair lovingly.

"I have all my upmost faith in you. I love you" Tae chimed, kissing the shell of the boys ear delicately.
"I love you too, you're right I've got this, I'm going to make you proud"
"I'll be proud of you no matter what" Tae quickly reassured.
Jungkook nodded and quickly grabbed his bag. He kissed Bam and Tae one last time before waving them off and running to the examination hall.

He nervously followed the others into the entrance. They handed in their phones and had their bags checked before being allowed into the exam hall. He took a seat and got out of his water bottle and a few pens. He glanced at his hands nervously and saw the small heart made by his boyfriend. His heart skipped a few beats when he felt warmth swallow him up.

"Okay students, this is the medical theory examination. You have 3 hours to complete this exam. Make sure your name is written on the front of the exam paper. If you need extra paper or another pen please raise your hand and someone will assist you. If you are caught cheating in any sort of way, your exam paper will be ripped up and you will be given an automatic fail. Keep your head faced the front at all times and don't disturb others around you. Good luck, and your time starts now"


Jungkook finished with 10 minutes spare, allowing him time to check through all his questions making sure he didn't leave any. He thought it went fairly well, there was a few questions which threw him off completely, but he made sure that he still answered them the best he could.

"Okay everyone your time is up, please shut your paper and you will be let out as soon as possible" the invigilator yelled.
They all walked out of the exam hall, and Jungkook quickly tried to make it out the exit without hearing others but it didn't go too well.

Everyone was asking each other questions.
"How did you find it?"
"What did you get for this question?"
Everyone kept asking and before someone could ask him he saw Taehyung in the same place he was before when he left.
He ran though the massive crowd and jumped onto his boyfriend.

"Ah you did it baby, I'm so proud! Was it okay?" Tae asked, hugging his koala close.
"Mhm, it was okay I think, I'm just glad it's over" Jungkook kissed the elders cheek. "Thank you for the heart too, it helped me so much" Jungkook smiled.

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