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"Bambi, I want my bambi" Taehyung was sobbing while clinging onto Jin for support.
"He's been crying for you for the past hour. He was drinking a bit but not enough to be drunk, then the next time I saw him he was pushing people away crying to go home to you while drunk" Jin sighed.
"Thank you for bringing him home safely and in one piece. I really appreciate it. Me and Tae are on a 2 week break starting tomorrow, so come by whenever and we can meet as a group when everyone is off"
"We will do, I hope he'll be okay" Jin snorted before pushing Tae to Jungkook.

"Hey Tae, your Bambi is here" Jungkook sighed, wrapping Tae's arm around his neck using one hand to grip it while his other arm was wrapped around Tae's waist, dragging him indoors.
He guided Tae to the couch who was crying heavily so he could lock the door.

He came back to the elder and squatted down in front of him holding his hands.
"Tete" Jungkook hummed which grabbed the attention of the drunk male.
"Bambi" Tae sniffed.
"I'm right here" Jungkook said kissing Jungkook's palms.
"Never leave me baby please"

Jungkook stood up and pulled him into a hug. Tae pushed his face into Jungkook's chest while Jungkook threaded his fingers through his dark brown locks.
"Come on hyungie, you need sleep" Jungkook whispered but he got no response.
He pulled away and saw Tae sleeping. Jungkook smiled and helped the elder lay down on the couch.

Jungkook sprinted upstairs and grabbed the baby monitor and their duvet cover. He ran back down stairs making sure he was quiet and turned off all of the lights. He studied the elder feeling bad that he was still in his clothes so he carefully took his clothes off, leaving his underwear on. Jungkook placed the baby monitor on the coffee table and he draped the duvet cover over the top. Jungkook carefully placed himself behind the elder and snuggled closer to his body becoming the big spoon, holding onto Tae tightly, before he soon fell asleep.


Taehyung woke up aching slightly. He registered his surroundings and noticed he was laying on the couch. He slowly turned over to see the younger fast asleep with a small pout on his lips. Taehyung sighed and slowly left the couch. He scooped the younger up into his arms and carried him upstairs to their bedroom.

Jungkook was quick to snuggle into the pillows and duvet as he felt more comfortable on the bed. Tae moved his hair out of the boys face before he left and went to check on Bam.

"Hey, how's my little champ doing?" Tae chimed, ignoring the big headache he had.
Bam was rolling around tiredly smiling st his papa. Tae scooped him up and changed his diaper. He then fed the boy before putting him back to sleep again as he was showing signs of tiredness again so Tae let him sleep some more.
"Sleep tight bub" Tae shut the door behind him before walking back into the room.

He noticed the water on the bed side table so he gulped it down quickly along with paracetamol before heading to the bathroom. He turned in the shower, letting it run; in the mean time he looked himself in the mirror and rubbed his face as he saw the tear stains. Flashbacks hit from last night which he would rather not remember.


"Another drink Mr Kim?" Someone asked he he didn't really register to be.
"Ah I shouldn't, but thank you though" Tae nodded, feeling tired and wanted his boyfriend.
"Oh come on, one more" Tae dragged himself to the bar area with the other worker.
"Ugh fine fine, one more then I'm leaving"

The two sat at the bar and they ordered a drink each. There was some silence till the other male spoke up.
"So Mr Kim, dating Jeon now?" he questioned already knowing the answer.
"Yeah I am, what's it to you?" Tae grumbled.
"He's easy" the man smirked.
"Easy?! What the fuck are you saying?" Tae hit the table.

"Well you should have seen him the other day, when I had him pinned against the lockers, the way he whimpered when I kissed his cheeks and down his neck. It was like he was ready for me to take him then and there, easy"
Taehyung snapped his head around and finally realised it was Donghyun.
"Shut the fuck up, he's my boyfriend and I love him. Stay the fuck away from him and my child"
"Doctor Kim I'm just telling you what you need to hear, I bet the boy would split his legs open any day for me any day. Imagine them small plump lips around my cock, it would make him forget your name for years" Donghyun smirked.

"Don't you dare talk about him like that, he's a human, and my boyfriend and you're making him sound like a toy. So now get the fuck away from me and leave me alone"
"Fine I'll leave you, but just remember he's easy, meaning I can make him leave you for me any time I want. Watch your back Kim" Donghyun said before leaving.

Taehyung ordered another set of shots, chugging them down as quick as possible, liking the burning feeling of how the vodka travelled down. Tears streamed down his face as all he could think about was his boyfriend.

"Hey Tae are you..."
"I need my Bambi" Tae cried to Jin.
"Let's get you home"

End of flash back

Taehyung stripped his pants off before walking into the shower. His head lifted up facing the warm water, letting it glide over his skin.

Till all of a sudden he felt two arms wrap around his waist from behind. The persons head leant against his shoulder and hummed softly.
"How are you feeling?" Jungkook whispered softly.
"Okay" Tae cracked out before turning in his hold to look at him, Tae made sure to study his features.
"Tae I don't know what happened, but I would never leave you, ever"

doctors are never wrong...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora