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"Tete" Jungkook called, through the house.
"Downstairs baby" Tae called back.
Jungkook jumped down the steps in a big oversized hoodie and small shorts.
"Taeeeeee" Jungkook pouted.
"You okay my cute baby?" Tae chimed wrapping his arms around the younger's waist and hug his tightly.
"Hmm, don't wanna work today" Jungkook whined, pulling Tae's shirt up and hiding himself underneath it, resting his face on Tae's bare chest.

"Why? Are you okay?" Tae quickly questioned, worried if the boy was feeling ill.
"M'fine just tired" Jungkook hummed.
"Well baby you don't have long left of your internship, so you really wanna miss a day"
"I guess you're right, I've only got a week left" Jungkook came out of Tae's shirt and pouted.

"Yeah and you'll definitely pass your exams and come work with me full time in no time" Tae kissed the younger softly.
"Once I've left will you help me revise?"
"Of course I will Bambi, now go get ready, we need to leave soon! I'll make you something to eat before we leave"
"Ughhh you're so husband material" Jungkook said dreamily, making Tae blush slightly but he tried to cover it.

Jungkook got ready and Tae made the boy a cream cheese and salmon bagel.
"You're a saint, did you know that?" Jungkook moaned when he took a bite out of the bagel.
"Aren't you full of compliments today"
Jungkook beamed at the remark and lifted the bagel up to the elders lips, and Tae took a small bite as he had already eaten something before hand.

"Ready to leave?" Tae asked grabbing his keys.
"Yep" Jungkook smiled with his mouthful.
Tae drove them to the hospital while Bam was with his grandparents house for the night.
Jungkook grabbed their list of appointments for the day and walked to the elders cabin. There wasn't anything scheduled for at least a few hours. This happened a few times where the hospital wouldn't be busy at all.

Jungkook waltzed in and shut the door behind him.
"How does the schedule look baby?"
"Not bad at all honestly, we don't have anyone booked in until 3pm"
"Really, well what do you want to do, we don't have any paper work or anything because we've done it all"
"Sleep" Jungkook smiled, bouncing over to the elder.


Taehyung allowed the boy to sit on his lap. Jungkook stuffed his face into the elders neck. They stayed in their snuggled position for a little while until Tae began to feel something wet on his neck. Jungkook kissed along the boys exposed neck and took in his natural scent.

Taehyung pushed his hands underneath the younger's shirt, caressing him at the hip, which cause the younger to gasp when he felt shivers travel around his body. One thing lead to another, and Tae's shirt was fully off, along with Jungkook trousers.

Jungkook was slowly grinding down onto the elders clothed crotch while they kissed passionately.
"Are we really about to have sex in our office?" Tae laughed against the boys lips.
"I guess so, that's kinda hot though" Jungkook smirked which was quickly removed when Tae forced the boy onto the desk.

Taehyung stood between the younger's legs and leant down, kissing him along the jaw, while he pushed Jungkook's underwear off, trailing it down his legs and placed them to the side. Jungkook shivered slightly, while Tae held the boys ankle and moved his hand up and down the boys leg.

"Are you okay with this baby?" Tae kissed the inside leg, while studying the boys every move.
Jungkook nodded, and squirmed, when Tae kissed the interns stomach softly as it was exposed from Tae pulling up his shirt gently.

"Hyungie it hurts" Jungkook's body wriggled around, Tae looked down and saw the younger throbbing with precum. Tae kissed his stomach one last time before moving his lips to the younger's tip and began giving him a blow job.

Jungkook lifted his back up from the desk and panted heavily, trying to suppress his moans.
"You know no one can here right. Perks of a doctors office" Tae winked as he pulled away and placed his thumb on the boys tip stopping him from his orgasm.

"Tae n-no" Jungkook whined, breathing heavily and thighs shaking, before having a dry orgasm.
"Good boy" Tae praised as he trailed his fingers down the the younger's hole, and began to prep him.
Once again Tae got him at his squirming state but before they could go any further
Tae needed to grab a condom.

He looked through his draws and couldn't find any.
"Shit" Tae mumbled under his breath.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook panted, as he leant up on his elbows.
"I can't find a condom, I'm a doctor how do I not have a condom in this room" Tae said rummaging through things.

There was a slight pause till Jungkook sighed.
"Tae" Jungkook called, but the elder didn't hear.
"Tae" he called a little louder this time.
Tae stopped what he was doing and looked at the younger.
"Go without" Jungkook said without any hesitation.
"Go without? But won't that.."

"I know, I'm ready if you are. Bam is getting older now, I'm sure he would appreciate a sibling, and honestly I might not even get pregnant. But if you don't want another baby with me, well that's okay, I'm ready when you're ready and you mean ever..." Jungkook rambled but was cut off with a sweet kiss.

"Baby, I can't think of anything better than having another child together. I love you, and I'm sure Bam would love a sibling. It's your body, and your choice, are you sure, what about your exams?"

Tae wanted to check, he was so head over hills for the younger.
The fact that he said another child, instead of having a child, showing that Bam is his, and it doesn't bother him they aren't biologically related, he still treats him as his own.

"More than I can ever be, plus my exams will only be for a few weeks and they are a month away, so it won't be affected at all" Jungkook smiled endearingly.

So Taehyung lubed himself up, enough so it wouldn't hurt as they were going raw.

"Ready baby?" Tae asked gently as he settled between his legs once again.
"Yeah, please, I want you" Jungkook hummed, feeling butterflies in his stomach from excitement.

Taehyung slowly pushed into the younger's hole, letting him adjust to the feeling. Tae made sure to press plenty of kisses along Jungkook's legs, to distract him from the pain.
"You can move" Jungkook squeaked out.

Tae slowly began to thrust in the younger, hitting his sweet spot continuously, making shivers run around his body, and clenched around the elders cock, making Tae gasp, feeling the younger and the tightness, until they both orgasmed together.


The pair cleaned up after Jungkook was sat in the elders lap for a while, making sure Tae filled him up for long enough. Tae made sure to clean the desk and open the windows for a bit to let fresh air in along with spraying air spray to cover up the sex smell.

Jungkook clung onto Tae until they had to part when giving attending to patients appointments.

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