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"Wow that's the longest I've slept in a while" Jungkook yawned, spreading himself on top of the elder as he snuggled into the warmth.
"As much as I love Bam with my whole heart, I do miss sleeping"
"Yah you're making it out to be you don't get sleep at all" Jungkook punched his chest softly.
"Ow ow, I was joking baby, I love my little baby" Tae grinned, making Jungkook shake his head before going into kiss the elder.

"Ew no, go brush your teeth, I didn't have the heart to wake you up last night for you to do them, but now now do them. Double, maybe even three times" Tae skilfully dodged and rolled away.
Jungkook start whining as all he wanted was a small kiss and Tae kept moving away from him.

"Taeeeee" Jungkook pouted, rolling around on the bed.
"No go brush your teeth first, think of all them germs"
"Yah Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook yelled smacking his ass before rushing to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, three times over. Once he finished he bounced towards the elder and kissed him repeatedly.
"Hm nice and minty, I thought I was going to die from your smelly breath" Tae smiled and ran away, knowing he was about to get smacked.

The two sprinted downstairs and to the kitchen where they could smell the food being cooked.
"Mama help me" Tae ran in grabbing his mother as a shield.
"Kim Taehyung, how dare you use your mother as a shield" Mrs Kim slapped Tae's arms away.
"You're supposed to save me, not hit me too"
"Hah got you" Jungkook wrapped his arms around the elder to stop him from moving and began tickling him.

Tae screamed out laughs, falling to the floor.
"This is pay back" Jungkook smiled, squatting over the elder while tickling him leaving the elder gasping for air through laughs.

"God this isn't a sound I've heard recently" Mr Kim walked in while holding a giggly Bam, smiling brightly seeing his son crying from laughter of the floor.
"Save me" Tae cried trying to grabs the younger's hands to stop him from tickling him.
"No I'd rather watch you laugh to death than help" Mr Kim smirked.
"Yah papa, how can you say that?!" Taehyung gasped, choking on air.

Jungkook stopped tickling him making the elder breathe heavily, trying to catch his breath which had been non existence for the last 10 minutes. Jungkook fell on top of the elder laughing along with him, as they laid on the kitchen floor feeling weak from their moment.

"Stop being a pair of slugs and get up. Breakfast is ready" Mrs Kim laughed as she plated the food up.
Jungkook jumped off of Tae and stuck his arm out to help to boy up. Taehyung grabbed it, and let the boy try and lift him up.
"Yah Tae you must weigh a ton" Jungkook tugged to help him up but it just ended in the boy slipping around on the floor.

"You know what just stand up yourself, I need to feed Bam" Jungkook dropped the boys hand, and pulled Bam into his arms.
"Hey bub, did you sleep well?" Jungkook kissed the babies cheeks softly.
Bam giggled and poked the boys cheeks.
"Okay let's feed you, I'm sure that little belly of yours is wanting to be fed hm" Jungkook tickled the boys cheeks before making him a bottle of milk while Mrs Kim also prepared soft food for him.

He shook it around before tilting the boy and fed him. He walked to the table and sat down in the seat he sat in the night before. He bounced his legs softly as he fed him, while everyone else ate. Tae would occasionally feed spoonfuls of food to Jungkook as he couldn't feed himself.

"You're cooking is amazing Mrs Kim" Jungkook beamed as he licked his lips.
"Do you want anymore?" She asked brightly.
"No no I'm full, but thank you" Jungkook wiped his mouth with a napkin before resting his back against the chair.


Once they got home the pair got out of the car and saw a police officer along with an older guy.

"There that's the man" a loud yell was heard.
"F-father" Jungkook muttered before quickly holding onto Tae's bicep.
"Are you Mr Kim?" The police officer asked.
"Yes sir" Tae bowed lightly, holding Bam on his hip.
"We've heard that you might be holding Jeon Jungkook here as a slave?"

"WHAT?" Jungkook screeched, not even caring that he was shouting at a police officer.
"Mr Jeon please calm down" the police officer spoke aloud.

"I'm sorry police officer, but that fact that man who disowned me, and thinks he can come over here and bring me back to that hell! I'm an adult, not some kid, if I wanted to leave I would have left by now"

"Now if you don't mind officer, Mr Jeon, I'm going inside with my boyfriend and son. Tae are you coming?" Jungkook asked as he started walking off.
"I'm sorry Mr Kim for any trouble caused, we will leave you to it, Mr Jeon here made a complaint about his 16 year old son being kidnapped, I'm sorry once again" the police officer bowed before walking to the car.

"If you, or your eldest son, or wife come anywhere near me, my boyfriend and my son ever again, I'll make sure you're put behind bars for child abuse, do you hear me. I haven't reported it now, but I won't hesitate to call the police if you come anywhere near us. Understand?" Taehyung said glaring holes into Mr Jeon.

"Y-yes fine, just whatever you do don't call the police on me"
Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked behind the younger, pressing his arm on the boys lower back and supported him into the house, before locking the door.

"Holy shit, I've never done that before" Jungkook breathed out holding his chest.
"I'm so proud of you baby, you looked so hot" Tae rambled out making Jungkook laugh and slap the boys arm.
"Maybe I should yell more often" Jungkook winked before skipping off to the kitchen needing a big glass of banana milk after all of that.

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