11K 616 22

Jungkook tiredly opened his eyes as his alarm rang through his head in pain. He groaned as he held his head in pain, still feeling himself swaying as an effect from the alcohol. He dragged himself out of his bed and pushed himself to the bathroom knowing that everyone would still be asleep, as it was 4am.

He groggily looked on the mirror and noticed big bruises on his jaw, which came from last night. Jungkook groaned really not wanting to deal with this. So he decided to peel off his clothes and took a warm shower, hoping it would help with his pounding headache. Which it didn't but he felt somewhat cleaner.

He wrapped his towel around him, and realised he really didn't have the time as he took a long shower. Jungkook grabbed the first concealer he could find and tried to cover up the bruises. He dragged himself back to the room hoping it looked fine and quickly got dressed. Not having enough time to dry his wet hair and grabbed his bag before leaving the house within minutes.

Jungkook sprinted to work feeing as if he was about to puke everywhere. When he arrived he scanned himself in before legging it to Tae's office. He jumped into the office, and finally came to a stop. Tae looked at him with a surprised face, not thinking that the intern was going to make such a big entrance.

"Good morning to you too" Taehyung smiled which quickly faltered when he noticed the discolouration in his face. Jungkook reached for the bin and threw up in it. Taehyung jumped off his seat and went to assist him. Tae held the bag for the boy while rubbing his back softly.

Once Jungkook was finished he quickly wiped his face with a tissue and quickly ran off so he could get rid of the bag. When he came back he noticed that Taehyung had a white towel in his hands.
"Come sit down" Tae called him over gently.
Jungkook just sighed and sat on the chair, as Taehyung stood behind him.
"Here drink this" Tae said handing him a water bottle which Jungkook gladly drank from.

Taehyung brought the towel up to Jungkook's hair and began massaging his hair, drying it for him. Jungkook blushed furiously as he felt his heart warm at the touch of Taehyung's fingers. Jungkook closed his eyes and tilted his head back. Tae smiled softly noticing how he was enjoying it, but what distracted him was the darker shade of skin Jungkook had on his jaw.

It was obvious to him what it was, some sort of concealer, but he didn't take much notice in it, thinking Jungkook may have been trying to cover some rash or spot maybe.

He let it be and let Jungkook relax some more before he questioned him.
"So, want to tell me what's going on?" Taehyung asked.
Jungkook just hummed "not yet, maybe some other day", not wanting to go into detail, because none of it would make sense.
"Okay, well do you feel well enough to continue with the day?" Tae asked.
"Yeah I'm fine Tae, thank you"Jungkook sighed showing him a small smile.
"Okay but you're taking it easy today"

"Hmm, where's Bam?" Jungkook sighed, keeping his eyes shut.
"Nursery, I had to drop him off because it's too early for him to be awake in such a busy place"
"I don't mind looking after him though" Jungkook pouted softly.
"But you also need to train to become a doctor, you're no babysitter, you are here to learn" Taehyung threw back by in a gentle tone.

Jungkook just slumped in his seat in a grump.
"Oh come on, I mean I won't have the time but if you want you can go pick him up later, it's only a few blocks away"
Jungkook excitedly clapped and smiled brightly.
"But you have to focus otherwise you'll fail" Taehyung cocked an eyebrow to him.
"Yes sir!" Jungkook saluted.
"Ew don't call me sir, I'm not that much older than you"

Jungkook pouted as he rolled his eyes, slumping in his chair, while Tae continued to dry the boys hair. Jungkook's pout subsided as he felt relaxed once again. Taehyung finished shortly after and let Jungkook relax for the rest of the time they had spare until they had their first appointment.

"If you're up to it, I'll let you do the appointment, if you need me I'll be right here and I'll step in if I feel you need me to, how does that sound?" Tae questioned as he looked at the boys facial expressions.
Jungkook's eyes went as wide as they could in shock.
"Really?" Jungkook clapped with a huge smile, completely forgetting about his sickness not too long ago.

"Mhm" Tae chuckled, biting his lip subconsciously as his mind wandered to the thought of Jungkook looking like a deer with his eyes wide.
"Okay, does that mean I can sit in your chair?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow.
Tae sighed and nodded, because the thought of causing the boy to pout again would probably break his heart in two.

Jungkook let out an excited cheer and jumped into his chair, leaving Tae to sit on the stall which Jungkook would usually sit on. Tae let himself gaze over to the younger who was smiling brightly, which automatically caused his lips to curve. But it quickly dropped when there was a knock on the door and the door opened.

"Good morning sir, take a seat" Jungkook quickly said, pointing to the chair in front of the desk with a smile.
The male relaxed into the chair and smiled back, trying to hide his nerves.
"How are you today?" Jungkook asked first, noticing the male's discomfort.
"I'm o-okay, just a bit n-nervous. Sorry it's silly, I just have a f-fear of hospitals"
He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and moving his gaze to the clock behind Jungkook's head.

"That's okay sir, would you like a cup of water or anything. It's completely okay to be scared in an environment like this, but I can assure you, you're safe and nothings going to happen without your consent" Jungkook reassured.
The male looked at the intern with a surprised face but quickly flashed a smile and dropped his tensed shoulders in relaxation.

"Thank you Doctor, I think it'll be okay" he nodded.
Taehyung observed keeping a straight face while he watched the situation unfold. Jungkook handled it without even breaking a sweat. Tae's heart clenched feeling almost proud of the boy who he took under his wing only a week or so ago.

Jungkook was different, but in a good way.

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