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"Feeling better?" Taehyung asked, as he raked his fingers through the younger's hair.
"Hmm much better thank you"
"Do you want to go downstairs and watch some movies, we can snuggle with Bam as well now you're feeling better"
"I'd like that" Jungkook nodded, as he slowly sat up and was about to stand up but Taehyung picked the intern up bridal style making him squeal and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Taehyung easily carried him downstairs and placed him on the sofa. He draped a blanket over the sick intern and made sure he was comfortable.
"I'll be back, in the mean time choose a movie we can watch" Tae suggested giving him the remote.

Taehyung ran back upstairs and attended to Bam. He changed him into a fluffy onesie, while changing his diaper and all. He came back downstairs with Bam in his arms and walked to the younger. Tae was going to sit in a separate seat but Jungkook lifted up the blanket and sat up carefully.

Taehyung took the hint and sat behind the younger, leaning his back against the end of the couch. Jungkook fell between his legs and laid down so his head was laying on his stomach while his arms were wrapped around Tae's lower waist. While finally Bam was laying on the top half of Tae's chest, with his head resting on his shoulder.

They got through half of the movie till they began to be a little bored.
"Bambi?" Tae chimed, as he played with Jungkook's hair.
"Hmm" Jungkook hummed as he dug his head into Tae's soft tummy more.
"What are you going to do?" Taehyung asked gently.

"M'not sure, I'll probably find a place somewhere, may be stay at a friends house till I get enough money for my own place" Jungkook hummed as he made small circles on the sole of the babies feet. Bam kicked his feet around making the pair laugh.

"You know you can always stay here if you want, even if it's until you find your own place?" Tae suggested.
"No Tae, you've helped me so much, I can't feed off you. I'll be a burden to both you and Bam and I wouldn't like that"
"You wouldn't ever be a burden, but if you really don't want to I'm not going to force you. But if you have no where else to go my door will always be open, okay bambi?"
"Thank you Tae, thank you for everything"


After a few hours Jungkook was feeling a lot better. So much so he was ready to leave Tae's house. As much as he didn't want to leave he knew he had to, he couldn't do that to Taehyung.

"Do you have to go right now? You're not even 100% better!" Taehyung said trying to convince Jungkook.
"I'll be fine really, I've spoken to my friend and he said I could crash there. I'll be fine, I promise. Thank you for everything, and looking after me while I was sick. I'll see you tomorrow lunch at work" Jungkook spoke quickly before running away.

Taehyung sighed and stayed at the door for a few more minutes in case he came back. But he didn't.

Jungkook however, lied to Taehyung massively. He had no other friends to go to, plus all he had with him was his phone and the clothes which again were Taehyung's. He couldn't even go get stuff from his parents home because they would be there and then he would definitely be murdered on the spot.

He wandered around for an hour, just walking around the blocks until he had done a full loop and ended up at the part which wasn't too far from the hospital. He chose a bench, and settled down on it. No one was around and although he felt very exposed it's what he had to do. He hugged his body close and fell into a deep sleep.

At god knows what time, he was woken up by being poked by something. He groggily opened his eyes and saw a small child prodding him with a stick.
"S-sir, wakey wakey, mister you're sat on my seat" the child whined making Jungkook hum.
"Sorry bub, I'll move" Jungkook swallowed down a sigh and dragged himself away from them bench, letting the kid sit down.

He tiredly walked around before he finally woke up. He checked the time on his phone and noticed that he was 30 minutes late for work. Jungkook ran like a mad man down the streets and straight into the hospital building. Rushing on the elevator to his floor and signing in. Jungkook legged it to Taehyung's room and entered in.

There was a short pause before Jungkook was pulled into a hug. Jungkook was quite surprised but quickly hugged back when he realised who it was.
"Bambi, I thought something bad happened to you, I tried calling you and all but you didn't reply"
"I'm sorry Tae, I really am. Nothing bad happened I promise. I'm okay" Jungkook rubbed the doctors back softly, which only made the boy squeeze harder.

"Did you really stay at a friends last night or did you lie to me? Because you look exhausted and you're skin is freezing to touch" Taehyung whispered.
Jungkook nibbled on his lip nervously and rested his face deep into the elders chest.
"I'm sorry Tae, I didn't want to lie, b-but I really didn't want to be a burden to you. I would hate you to think that I'm leaching off you, I'm not that kind of person"

"Bambi, where did you sleep last night?"
Tae asked with such a soft voice, although he ignored the whole thing about him being a burden.
"The park, on the bench"
There was complete silence, with the intern and Doctor hugging like there was no tomorrow.
"Live with me"
"Tae I-.."
"Live with me, if you want we can go half on tax, bills and food? Please just live with me"


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