Chapter 2: New Friends and Gym Battles

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Y'all listen, I'm Indian, so I had re-watch the whole episode in Hindi, that's why the lines which the characters said might not entirely match, but y'all can deal with it :)
Again Sorry for the spelling errors. Your pokémon team will be given at the last tho <3

You walked for a bit into a better place for training. "C'mon out guys!" You let all your pokémons out and started to train.
Current pokémons you were having were
And Goldeen
"Six pokémons huh? Let me make up the team then, first I'll let Spearow and Pidgey fight! Now everyone behind me and Pidgey use gust on Spearow, Spearow dodge it and use tackle!"
You commanded as your pokémons started to attack each other, it was all fun, you trained your pokémons well enough and as this is your first day of your Pokémon journey, you were pretty proud of yourself. Goldeen was pretty good and you had a feeling that he would win for sure! But for now, you were hungry as hell and tired.
"Ok guys return" You returned your pokémon only to find Spearow at top of your head

"Looks like you don't wanna get into your ball huh? Well then it's fine you can sit on top of my head" You said to your partner before going back to the center
On your way back, your came across a trainer who you happens to know you very well
"Say Y/N you really forgot about me?"
"I-Im really sorry, but I really don't remember you"
"*sigh* well it's fine it's fine, I go by the name Bill if you remember now"
"Bill? Bill...BILL! BILL! IT'S YOU! OMG!" You tackled him in a tight hug which he happily returned blushing
"So what brings you here?"

"Oh yea, I went to meet Professor Oak and talked with him for a while before getting a parcel if mine"
"What's in that parcel?"
"Its a Surprise, N/N"
"Ugh it's probably one of your cosplaying clothes"
"Maybe? Oh wow, you got a Spearow with you" He said getting reallyyyy close to you for petting the lil birdy on top of your head, you couldn't help but to blush a bit.

"Hey bill uhm....want to have a battle after all I finally got my pokémon!"
"A battle huh? Why not? Being honest, I didn't had a battle for so long and I got my pokémons with me too"
"Well then let's have a fight right here!"
"Is it your first trainer battle?"
"Yeah, but I've been training for so long, so I'll win this and that's for sure!"

"Okay okay, how does 2v2 sounds? I need to keep one of my pokémons healthy y'know" He said going further away from you and pulling out his ball
"Yup! It sounds great!"
"You probably know the rules so I'm not going over them, so let's start the battle! Go Flareon!"
"Flareon huh? Well then go Goldeen! Be ready to loose!"
"Flareon use quick attack!"
"Goldeen dodge it and use water veil!"
"Ah, I see, flamethrower won't affect much then...alright! Go behind it and use tackle!"

Flareon moved behind him and quickly used Tackle
"Ugh....goldeen! Turn around and use horn attack!" He did as you said and flareon got hurt "now! Use swift swim!" Flareon was unable to dodge it and got hurt
"Flareon Return! Go Jolteon, use thunder!"
Jolteon quickly used thunder making Goldeen faint.

"G-goldeen....ugh...go Spearow! It's your turn!" "Sp-spearow!" "Now spearow, use leer!" The field became quieter after you said it...."w-what?" "You should know that Spearow can't use leer..." Bill says rubbing his neck laughing slightly
"O-oh... THEN QUICK USE GUST AND THEN TACKLE!" Spearow used gust and poor jolteon was unable to see anything,  "TACKLE IN A PLACE WHERE YOU WON'T GET HURT BY IT'S BODY'S SPIKES!" She did as you said and knocked out Jolteon

"Ah I see, it's your first day and your already strong enough to beat one of my pokémons well then 'cmon out Fla- huh?" He looked at his watch, " seems like I have to go now..."
"Wait what?! But our match...?"
"Don't worry, if we meet again, I'll battle you again, get stronger" He waved and left
"*sigh* return" You returned your pokémons and came across a mart and decided to buy some pokéballs and other sfuffs cause you're running out of them
"3 pokéballs, 2 potions, and a pokéfood will that be ok?"
"Ok here, have a good day"
You smiled at the cashier and left with your stuffs to finally head to the center, it was 4'o clock when you reached there meaning you literally trained an entire day off
As your pokémons were getting healed you called at your home
"Hey mom"
"N/N! How are you dear?"
"I'm all fine! I caught so many pokémons! And even met bill in the way and fought him!"
"That's great, I'm happy to hear that your all fine"
"Where's dad?"
"Oh he went outside for a walk, will be back soon I guess, I'll tell him that your doing fine"
"Okay mom, I'm going now then bye"
You ended the phone and went to nurse joy who had healed your pokémons.

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