Chapter 27: Rocket Arc! (2)

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[Not proofread]

"Hey Y/N, are you ready?"
"Yeah, just give me a moment, Misty!"
"Alright! I'll be infront of Professor Oak's lab with the others then!"
"Okay!" You replied and saw her walk away "*sigh* okay so I just gotta take the pokeballs with me and I'll be good to go!" You said fixing your hair (I'm sorry if ur bald T^T) "alright so- huh?"

A light was beaming out of your bag suddenly which was kept open on the bed. You walked over to it and searched for the object which was glowing and surprisingly, it was the feather, Lugia gave you before you left Johto after capturing it.

"It's glowing...but what could be the reason behind it?"......"could Lugia be in trouble and it's trying to communicate with me?!" You gasped and immediately called the Kimono girls who were taking care of the Lugia but they were not picking the call up.

"Could they also be in trouble...? Maybe I'm just overthinking....." You sighed and decided to call F/N, who was in Johto "maybe if I call her, she might be able to help me out and tell me if Lugia is safe or not"


"System 300 ready to check"
"Stay here, I'll be back"
"Yes, boss!......*sigh* what a pain" F/N felt something vibrating in their pocket and took out the mobile to see you're the one who called her 'd-did she found out that her Lugia is kidnapped by us?!' F/N's eyes widened as they answered the phone in a shaky voice

"F/N!! Oh I thought that you will not pick the phone up, so anyways, can you please head over to the Kimono girls and find out if my Lugia is okay or not?"
"Um...can I ask why you're suddenly asking me this?"
"Erm...well I suddenly had this feeling that Lugia might be in trouble and the girls aren't picking up my phone either, so I'm really scared about Lugia right now"

"Look I am not allowed to leave this place now, but when I can, I'll give yoh Lugia's update, okay?"
"Alright, thank you for the help"
"It's okay and wait---- before you hang up, where are you now by the way? I'm guessing you're still not in Hoenn"
"Nope! I'm back in Kanto, ready to start another adventure! All right--- I really have to go now, so um, talk to you later? Bye!"
"Wait Y/N--- gosh"

"Oi F/N, you there? Send me another package!"
"Yes boss!" *sigh* 'what a pain'


"Y/N! Are you sure that you're feeling better now?"
"Yes, May! You don't have to worry about it at all!"
"That's a good news right there" Max said sighing in relief
"Alright guys! So let's just go!!"

Everyone waved at Ash's mother, Professor Oak and Tracey before heading out with May's new Squirtle, Ash's Phanpy and Brock joining the team not so much later, everyone headed towards the Mt. Moon.

"Hey, isn't that the twerp there?" Jessie asked from a tree watching the gang walking through the forests with a binocular
"Yeah, it's them" James replied
"then let's get down to business! And steal that Pikachu away from them!! Meowth said grinning evilly and the trio jumped down from the tree in front of them

"Hey! It's them again!"
"To protect the world from devastation-"
"Hey you three rockets!" Another voice yelled stopping Jessie and everyone turned around to see who was yelling
"Hey! Who are you to stop me!" Jessie growled as two other rockets came out of their balloons

"The HQ is calling you three. It's an important mission!" The blonde said coming down in front of them
"Or else we wouldn't be calling you after seeing your reports" The white haired man smirked

"Hey! We aren't so bad!" The trio yelled
"Oh rea- huh? Hey Attila! Isn't that the girl the HQ told us about?" The white haired told the blonde who looked at the gang behind the rockets and his eyes sparkled seeing another target of theirs just behind the rockets

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