Chapter 50: Catching up

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"May but you said-" you looked at her immediately to see her sticking out her tongue at you playfully
"Wait so does that mean...?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere seemed to become tense.

Where is he?

Out of literally no where, the place was having rose petals in the air, as if someone told their grass type to use Petal dance and Magical leaf.

Did he..?

"Hey! Y/N!"

After what felt like an eternity, you finally heard his voice.

"Drew!" You managed to say back before running upto him and tackling him into a hug "You came!"
"Of course I would, why would I miss the Wallace Cup anyways?"


"Oh yeah...right, but May said that" you looked back at May who immediately turned around, whistling as if she was clueless "May!!"

Ash was taken aback by the sudden hug you gave to Drew. 'Does she actually love him? must be because they're close friends, right..?'

Brock's mouth became wide open as he turned pale, then into a stone.
"Oh poor Brock" May sighed, as Croagunk pulled him away "what'd you know? Croagunk's doing Max's job" she laughed nervously

"Drew! You're here!" Arlo grinned and ran to hug him too
"Hey! Now what about us?! We're here too!~" Harley said waving at you
"Oh of course you're here, Harley" you smiled before turning your attention towards Solidad. "How're you both doing?"
"Pretty fine if you ask me"

"Uh.... who're they...?" Dawn asked, feeling left out
"I'll introduce you to them soon, don't worry, Dawn" May reassured
"Hey guys" Gary greeted coming up to May and Dawn "what's going on here?"
"Hey it's Gary" Dawn said pulling Ash beside her, who was busy thinking.
"Well you see we just came here from Johto to participate in the Wallace cup" May explained "and Y/N's busy, catching up with them" she said looking over at you, who was busy talking excitedly with the other three.

"Oh I see, so there's a lot of participants in the contest tomorrow"
"Yep! And it's gonna be a blast because I'm in it too!"
"Wait what?" Gary and May asked in unison
"Yeah! Wallace told me that i should enter in it too, besides I'll get to use Buizel's new battling move in a contest"
"You met Wallace?!" May gasped in disbelief
"So Gary, why're you here?" Ash asked
"I was going to Professor's Rowan's lab when gramps said that if i was near Lake Valor then I should hand something to Y/N"
"Hand what?"
"That's a secret for now, Ashy boy" Gary smirked making Ash fume
"Hey c'mon! Tell me too!"
"Nah, you can see it from Y/N herself" He said peeking over Ash's head to see you talking to this green haired guy at a distance while Arlo talked to the other two people.

"Hey guys, who's that guy?" Gary pointed at Drew
"Oh that's Drew, mine and Y/N's rival since Hoenn" May informed, smiling at the scene of you bring able to talk to Drew again. You look happy.
'They look close' Gary thought.
"Alright, now where did Paul go?" Dawn suddenly asked making Ash look at where Paul stood a bit earlier.
"No clue"
"Alright guys could we all head to the hotel already?! We can't just catch up with each other in here!" May shouted.

Back at the hotel

"Oh man it's so comfy!" Ash said propping down on the bed.
"Gary, are you staying with us too?"
"Uh- I don't think-"
"Hey c'mon Gary, stay with us until the contest is over! It's gonna be fun" Ash said, sitting up on the bed.
"If you say so, then why not? I would get to see Y/N's contest live for the first time too yknow~" Gary winked, making you blush slightly and sat down beside Ash.

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