Chapter 29: Rocket Arc! (4)(finale)

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Whitney decided to explain everything to everyone present there as everyone was busy panicking and questioning.
You decided to explain what happened to you and all the things going on without mentioning that the Lugia you were trying to save was actually caught by you before.

"So what's the plan now?" Ash asked
"Look we can bring you twerps to the base if you want to"
"That would be a great help!"
"Then, Y/N, once we take you all inside, make sure to guide them, because we would go to the security room"

You nodded and followed the rocket trio with the others into the base as they left for the security room and you explained everyone where the important rooms were at.

"Listen, Max, Arlo and May will help out the girls, me and Brock will attack the Team rockets while Y/N, you take the rest to rescue Lugia. I believe the police will come soon, right Whitney?"
"Of course, I informed them so they won't be late"

You all separated as everyone went to the room they were ordered to go into.

"I believe that this room will be emp-" you gasped opening the room Lugia was in.
The Rocket executives were there arguing with each other beside Lugia and welp, they seemed to notice your presence immediately.

"Who the hell even comes back to the place they were kidnapped to?! Wait nevermind atleast she came back herself guys! But why did she came tho- WHAT AM I SAYING! PROTON, PETREL! ATTACK!"

Before anyone could do anything an unknown pokémon immediately knocked Petrel down by hitting him on the head.
"What the hell was that-"
"Murkrow!? What are you doing here!?"

"Y/N, we don't have time to figure that out, let's just rescue Lugia first!"
"Not until we're here!" Archer smirked releasing his pokémon, followed by Proton.
"Oh you're not getting away with it" Falkner said letting his pokémon out along with Morty and Whitney.

'releasing Lugia would be difficult if I don't have the key to open the cage' you thought looking at Murkrow for a second before it flew down to you, motioning you to follow it.
"You want me to follow you?"
Murkrow nodded
"Why though? I thought that you hated me and stuffs....I know it's a ridiculous time to talk about it anyways" sighs "I don't know why you're telling me to follow you, but could you possibly lead me to where the key of Lugia's cage is kept at?"

Murkrow nodded as you followed behind it outside of the room.
'its gonna be risky, but I hope this rish will be worth taking'

Murkrow lead you to a room which was at the end of a really narrow hallway.
You opened the door and got inside of the room and were surprised to find what was inside.

"Mom..? Dad?? BFF/N?????" You immediately grabbed spearow's pokéball knowing that they might attack you any moment.

"Y/N....we aren't going to harm you" your friend spoke first
"N/N....what are you doing here...?"
"Don't you 'what are you doing here?' me. You guys' are the reason I'm here in the first place!"
"But atleast listen to us-"
"I know what you're going to tell me dad! I know the main plan behind all these! And also why you wanted to gatekeep me! Honestly, you guys just made my time in Johto miserable and i couldn't even participate in the league because of you all! You got in the way of my dream, why? Because-"


Things were going weird by now.

Max, may and Arlo managed to rescue the girls but got caught by some rocket members so Arlo and May got their Teddiursa, Plusle, Combusken and Beautifly out to fight with them while Max got the girls out safely while they were distracted.

Ash and Brock were having a hard yet easy time defeating the room which was full of rocket members and scientists.

You finally were letting all your rage on your parents out in that small room while Murkrow grabbed the key and gave it to you in the middle of your yelling.

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