Chapter 22: Hoenn League! (1)

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"And we are almost there!" Max said as the entire crew looked at Evergrande city from their ship
"Finally! Spearow! we are almost there, you ready, bud?" "Spe!"
"We are up for a serious training right now, aren't we Pikachu?" "Pika pi!"

"Now! Don't forget, you will need just the right feel for the perfect victory!"
"The victory?" You confusedly asked what May said just now
"The feel of champions! Chicken noodle soup!"
"The chicken noodle soup?" The entire crew repeated except for May

After landing, May lead everyone to an ally, in front of a shop which she claimed was the shop where those noodles were sold, while there were several Murkrows sitting on top of buildings which were on the opposite of the shop.

One of the Murkrows looked at the book Brock was holding and snached it from his hand
"What was that?!" Ash asked angrily
"Hey look! It's a huge flock of Murkrows!"

"Hey! You're hurting me stop right now!" May exclaimed as the flock started to attack the crew
"I guess we wondered into their territory!" Brock said
"Ugh! Minun! Come out and use thunder shock! And Spearow help us out too!" You said throwing Minun's pokéball out as Spearow flew up protecting herself from the shock the Murkrows were getting and then Whirlwind-ed the crew away

The second flock came as Pikachu shocked them away but again the third flock came and started to attack everyone until a Meowth jumped right in and scratched the flock away
"Woah! Look at stylish meowth which doesn't look like it belongs to Team Rocket!" Arlo said looking at the Meowth with stars in his eyes

"Meowth! Quick use fury swipes!"
"Spearow use quick attack!"
The last flock of Murkrows got away but one still tried to attack!
"I'll deal with it! Minun go and use discharge!" Minun let out a powerful discharge as the Murkrow fell into the ground "now! Pokéball! Go!"

"Woah! That's great Y/N! You got a new Pokemon! Max and May said
"Yep! It looks strong and I guess it could easily get along with Spearow!" You said holding the Pokéball in hand which got transferred to Prof. Oak's laboratory instantly from your hand
"Welp I guess I'll train it after this tournament is over"
"Aw man, now I want to catch a pokémon too" Ash pouted
"But whatever you say that Meowth was awesome as well" Brock said as everyone turned to the trainer and the Meowth

"Haha thanks, but that Spearow and Minun were great too" The trainer calmly replied back "oh! Check it out, it's the evergrande noodle nosh, don't tell me you all were also going there" The trainer said picking up the book from the ground

"Small world huh? You both are in the hoenn league championship, and so am I. Guess that makes us rivals huh?" The trainer, Tyson, asked you and Ash while eating his soup
"Guess we are" Ash replied
"And that Meowth of yours is pretty great" May said looking at the Meowth

While everyone was talking and stuffs Tyson freaked out looking at the time "Look what time it is!" He said jogging out of the shop with Meowth "come quick or else we would be late!"
"Tyson wait up!" Ash said running behind him with the crew
Tyson simply replied that he was the torch runner which explained why he was late
"The torch runner...damn I miss the Indigo league right now" You whispered to Spearow who agreed aswell

"Hey, Professor, It's me Tyson the torch runner, I'm sorry for being late"
"Oh no it's okay, the torch itself arrived just now"
"Hey! Professor" You and Ash said walking up to him
"It's good to see you again"
"Hope you're doing great"
"Oh look who it is, It's Ash, Y/N and Brock"
"Huh? Isn't Professor Goodshow is like the head of the pokémon league?"
"Yeah, so how do you know him?"

"Well that's because, Me, Brock, Y/N, and Misty used to be the torch runners as well"
"You never told me that you were a torch runner!" Arlo asked out loud
"But I thought I did!-"
"Then I guess I forgot- sorry--"

"Yeah, quite a battle you gave us back then, Ash and Y/N, so are you both participating this time also?"
"I sure am!"
"And is your name May?"
"Huh? Y-yes? But how did you know that?"
"Well I saw yours and Y/N's grand festival match of television you both were great my dears"
"Well you did? Thanks so much!"
"Thanks you so much!" "Spe spearow!"
"Well what else should I've expected from Norman's daughter and our old champ?"
"I didn't knew that you know our dad!"
"Well when you're in a line as me you just know everything"

"Good luck to you two" Nurse Joy said handing the torch to Tyson
"Thanks" Tyson replied and took the torch before he started to run

Mr. Goodshow on the other hand gave everyone a ride to the stadium where you and Ash registered for the league and called Professor Oak to talk and see how Murkrow was doing

"And Y/N, before I leave I gotta tell you about your Murkrow, it sure is a energetic one and loves to fight" He said rubbing the back of his hair as he sweatdropped
"Umm, Professor I think something happened with my Murkrow there..."

"Um yea well, you see as I let it out on the field, it immediately flew up to your Lapras and started to attack it, so Lapras got mad and ice beamed it in anger. Then your Raichu being friendly went to greet Murkrow but it started to attack Raichu instead, so eevee got mad at it for attacking Raichu and swift attacked it away, so it other words, Murkrow started to fight with rest of your pokémons and it unfortunately, didn't won, so Tracey came there on time and with the help of his Venonat, Marill and Scyther, he managed to put Murkrow back into the pokéball and now it's in a shelf- oh I gotta go now, see you all soon!" Professor Oak said switching the call off

You became pale and fell down on the ground regretting the choice of catching that Murkrow "why...why...did I even caught it..."

The alarm went off signalling trouble and again that Team Rocket drama took place resulting them to fly away and placing the fire back to it's place which they were trying to steal

"Arlo, I'm concerned that how Murkrow will be with my rest of the pokémons with that behavior of it..Murkrow will just end up being locked into the pokéball and will never even go out!-"
"Calm down, don't worry, it will only be a few days until we are back in Professor's Lab then you can switch your pokémon and take Murkrow with you and train it until it's normal"
"Now I really want this tournament to end as soon as possible" You groaned in frustration 'but whatever you say, I should forget about my new pokémon and look forward for this absolutely long-awaited battle'


Words: 1212
Published: 9/11/22
Updated: --/--/--

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