Chapter 42: First Ribbon in sinnoh

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Question: So when Drew will return in this fic (*coughs*) should I create a rivalry between him, Paul, Gary, Ash and Brock?


After reaching to Floaroma Town for the next contest, everyone met with Kenny, who was Dawn's friend from the Nursery and happened to be a huge fan of yours who watched many of your contests when you were in Hoenn and Kanto.

Dawn was going to use her newly caught Pachirisu while you chose Kirlia who was determined to win this contest after so many months of not being in one.

"Alright, so are we ready?" Kirlia nodded and looked at you with determination. "Lia!" "Alright then! I know you'll do great like the old times!" "Kirlia~!" You took a deep breath, ready to win this contest and stepped behind the curtains of the stage.

"Alright, so our next coordinator is Y/N!" Marian announced
"Alright Kirlia! C'mon out!" Kirlia popped out of its ball with heart seal's effects surrounding it.
Kirlia used psychic to control the movements of the hearts and made them fly on top of the fans before popping them.

"Alright Kirlia, double team, followed by shadow ball!" All the kirlias used shadow ball, resulting numerous dark balls on the air "alright! Now, thunder wave around each of them with the help of psychic!"
All the shadow ball in the air got a ring thunder wave surrounding them (like Saturn)

The crowd started to cheer seeing this performance, waiting for you to finish it.
"Alright! Now, finish it off with psychic!"
Kirlia's eyes glowed as it used it's move to burst the shadow balls and showered the stage with sparkles.

"Alright! That was great!" Brock said clapping for you
"I knew that she'll do it!" "Pika!"
"There's no way she won't be selected after this!" Arlo said cheering for you more

"She's gonna be tough to defeat" Kenny said to Dawn in the back stage
"Definitely, but I know that I'll win this contest!"

"She improved" James said his thoughts out loud making Jessie and Meowth gasp in shock
"UGH WHATEVER! go get me that apple juice NOW!"

James sighed and followed Jessie's order and walked out of the door to get the juice she wanted while Jessie started to plan something with Meowth.

"I wish she could stop yelling at me, i literally ah-" James was talking to himself when suddenly he bumped into you
"Ouch- im so sorry- wait you?!" You gasped backing away quickly "now what do you want?!"
"H-hey! I'm not here to steal or anything this time! I promise!"
"Then what're you here for?!"

"I-I was here because uhhh" He was trying to come up with a lie but couldn't
"If you tell me the truth then I won't tell anyone anything"
James stood there for a second before sighing "fine, I was here to support Jessie"
"Jessie? She's in the contest?! But I didn't saw her..?"
"Jessilina is Jessie in disguise" James admitted with another sigh

"What?! All these time Jessilina was Jessie?!"
"Sush! Keep this a secret between me and you okay? Or I'll be kicked out" he said trying to sush you down
"Alright alright" you said lowering your voice "It's strange that none of us figured out that Jessilina was Jessie all these time"

"Jessie also participated in Hoenn and Kanto's contests with you guys and made it to the grand festival too by switching her style a bit and name to Jessica, Jesslana and Jessebella, until finally settling on Jessilina for now"
"You mean I battled with Jessie in the past too without knowing it was her?!" You were totally surprised by this new source

"But I promise you that she won't do anything to you or the other twerps during contests because she doesn't want her contest career to be revealed"
"Understood" you nodded "so i gotta go now, see ya" you said walking past James "oh by the way" you stopped "you're actually a pretty nice guy of you want to be one, it's actually funny to talk to you without any rivalry in between" you said giggling a bit before entering the room

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