Chapter 11: Everyone meets Drew(QnQ)

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"Everyone is so siked!" Ash said looking at the people who will be participating
"Y/N! You need to teach me and beautifly! You and your Dustox are amazing please!" May begged holding your hands
"Y-yea, sure! I can try to help you both get better at Silver Wind"
"Really! Thanks!" May said dragging you outside to the beach
"Hey! Wait for us!" The other four boys yelled running behind you both

"Alright! Y/N! Please tell me if we messed up!"
"Alright alright, I'll" You reassured "alright, Dustox! Shine your wings!" You said as your Dustox came out of the pokéball sparkling and almost stole everyone's eyes there.
"So cool!" Ash said looking at the Dustox
"Now it's my turn!" May said getting in front
"Beautifly! The spotlight is yours!" Beautifly came out of the ball and sent sparkles everywhere as May was spinning with it

"Amazing!" Max and Arlo said
"Uhm...May-" You said sweat dropping
"I think I spinned a bit too much-" May said falling in the beach"

"One more try! Do it May!"
"Alright!" May said throwing three frisbees towards Beautifly "use gust!"
"No may don't do it hereaaaahhhh! Spearow, Dustox, Use gust back!" You said as all the people excluding you got buried inside the sand.
"Let's try somewhere else!" Max said

Arlo lead everyone to a safe place away from everyone
"Beautifly! Sliver Wind!" Beautifly started perfectly but it stopped in the middle
"It will be better if you don't use that here"
"Dustox, Silver Wind! Lets go!" Dustox obeyed the command and beautifully used Silver wind
"Beautifly! Look at that!"
"All you have to do ir focus, May, you can tell your beautifly to use Silver wind beside my Dustox while it uses Silver wind too, I'll back with my bag, I'm thirsty a bit"
"Dustox, keep on using that move, Spearow, lets go" "Spe" "Tox!" Dustox said as it started to use Silver wind again

"Y'know what, Spearow?" "Spe?"
"I'll use you and Minun next, Minun will do the entry and you can battle everyone" "Spe~"

With May and others <a few minutes later>

"Dustox looks tired now" Ash said
"Dustox! Come here!" Arlo said as Dustox went over to his arms
"Beautifly is still not great at using Silver wind...."
"I'm just going to keep on practicing even more!" May said throwing Frisbees again "use gust!" Beautifly again threw those frisbees again as May caught two of them and other one went over to someone else
"Look out!" She said as the guy easily caught the frisbee
"Im sorry! " She said going over to that boy
"Don't tell me, your planning to enter the pokémon contest with a chibi act like that" He said throwing the frisbee to may and coming in front of her
"You got no moves~"
"Hey! Who are you to tell me that?" May said angrily
"If you know, the names Drew, a pokémon coordinator"
"Really? That's just like you May" Ash sadi coming over
"Please, no comparison
You and your pokémon here got no style" Drew said looking at Beautifly

"Drew?!" Arlo said running over to Drew and hugged him
"Arlo? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Y/N probably didn't told you, but we are traveling with them! Meet Ash, pikachu, Brock, Max and May"
"But where is Y/N?"
"She went to take her bag, back from the hotel room, wait here, she will be back really soon!"
"Wait you know Y/N?" Ash asked
"Yea, we are 'good' friends" Drew replied smirking "stox" "Oh, isn't it Y/N's?"
"Yep! She was teaching May's beautifly Silver Wind"
"Please, even though your getting taught by her Dustox, you still can't learn?" Drew said laughing at May and her pokémon
"Hey! What's your problem?!" May growled getting pulled away by Max

"Guys! I'm back!" You came back with Spearow (and ofc your bag) as Dustox flew over to your head
"So, May how- Drew?!" You gasped looking at him
"How are you doing?~" He asked going over to you
"When did you came here?"
"A while ago, while that style-less girl was practicing"
"Style-less- what?"
"Hey! I'm not!"
'May's style-less? Eh?'
"Hey, Y/N, I have an offer for you, why don't you leave them and join me, Arlo come too"
"Do what?!" You said, looking at Arlo for help who immediately turned away and started to play with Teddiursa

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