Chapter 31: semi-public confession?

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A/N: I love my Drew simps so much, so princess treatment for y'all heh 😼 AND ALSO ITS A LONG CHAPTER AND IT'S 4:08 AM HERE SO ILL RE CHECK IT LATER-


A few days ago in Wisteria city's pokemon contest, after Harley managed to win the contest by defeating May, earning his fourth ribbon, at the end of the day, Lillian came to your group who was comforting Munchlax and Rattata, gave you a letter with a rose which said that the sender of the letter will be waiting to see you in the Chrysanthemum island's content.

Seeing the rose, everyone's first thought was Drew which made Ash and Brock pissed.
But there was only two things which surprised you that day.
Firstly, it was your and Harley's first encounter after the last contest where you defeated him. But somehow he didn't brought up the thing he told you before leaving that day.
Secondly, Harley didn't even talked to you at all or even looked at you. Was he upto something again?

Nonetheless, shrugging all the thoughts aside everyone made it to Chrysanthemum city where Ash was trying to order Sceptile to do some moves but he was too sad to do so, as yesterday the poor boy got rejected by a Beyleaf and was too heartbroken to even attack.

"Hey c'mon! Get yourself together and let all those stuff out of your mind! You know you can do it so c'mon already!" Ash yelled angrily not understanding what was going through Sceptile's mind at all.
"You're just making it worse y'know?" Drew suddenly appeared from behind making you and May gasp out loudly

'so he came...'
"You're not thinking about it from Sceptile's point of view"
"It's Drew" may said looking at you
"Telling your pokémon to do harder will only give them more stress" he said patting Sceptile's hand "and you don't need that right?" He looked at the poor pokémon who nodded in approval which made Ash get more angry and concerning Pikachu about Ash.

"He's not wrong tho" Arlo whispered to Max getting a nod from him "how long has it been since we even met him?"
"Probably uhh.... let's see....yeah in the Hoenn grand festival!"
"Seriously? It has been months then"
"Exactly, i wonder what new rivalry we will see between Drew, Ash and Brock now that everyone has probably sort of changed slightly or maybe everything will still stay the same"
"I just want the daily drama i used to get" Arlo sighed

"Oh hey, Drew, did you sent me this letter?" You raised it infront of his face making everyone curious now "you know I would love to be in this contest with you, afterall it has been a long time since we both entered in a contest together and of course! I want to beat you in a contest again!"
"Except- I haven't sent that"
"Oh c'mon, that's now my style, you should know that" he flipped his hair smirking at you
"We should huh?" Everyone except Drew spoke at the same time making him sweat drop and blush
"Truthfully, I'm not even going to be in this pokémon contest" he admitted confusing you "I've been in so many contests lately that my pokémons are exhausted, so we came to Chrysanthemum Island for a little r and r"
"A little r and r?" May muttered
"You're not going to participate...?" You said feeling a bit sad which startled Drew a bit "but if you didn't sent me this, then who did?"


"Okay you Munchlax! Are you ready?" "Lax!"
"Alright, Murkrow! It'll be your first time battling in a contest, so do your best okay? It'll be a practice session with May's Munchlax now!" "Rkrow"

After the breakfast back in the Hoenn before going to meet Lugia, you took Murkrow and the other pokémons with you too.
While you communicated with Lugia, it explained that Murkrow actually escaped from your pokéball a long time ago when you got trapped there.
When it looked at Lugia, it was surprised seeing how pain Lugia was in and you trying your best to help Lugia out somehow changed Murkrow's perspective about you and since then it wanted to help you out and listen to you.

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