Chapter 47: Chimchar Troubles!

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Suggest a pokémon which Paul might give to you instead of releasing it after finding out that it's actually weak but you've been after it for a while🚶🏻‍♀️


"And with that the first round ends with Paul and Y/N being the winner!" The Mayor exclaimed this time.

"We won! Spearow, we did it- ow ow ack- Spearow ouch stop! What're you doing?!" Instead of hugging you, she started to peck your head "what's your problem?! Return!"
"Ugh" Paul returned Chimchar "from now on, stay outta my face"
"Paul you need to understand that this is a tag team and we're partners! You can't just do it on your own!"
Paul left without a response while you went to your friends.

"My calculations says that spearow is probably mad at you because you were busy arguing with Paul" Conway said
"Wait- that makes sense!"
"Here, your egg" Brock handed you the incubator which had the egg in it.
"Y/N, i suggest you should stop talking to Paul, it's gonna lead you both to argue and then you'll end up losing the match."
"Yeah, I agree with Ash. Talking to him would lead to no where in particular, if you want to win then you both have to separately do it, even though I'm myself not sure how that'll work but-"

"Dawn, Ash, i get it, but I'm not giving up. I want to win this tag team battle as a team and I'll make sure to do it!" with that, you left everyone and went to the center.

"But-" Holly stopped Brock from following you
"Let her do it. I like how she's willing to befriend someone who she hates and understand their way so that she could win this tournament fair and square"

Soon, the night fell. Ash and Arlo were training as hard as they could. And for Arlo's first time battling, things were going actually pretty good. No doubt he's gonna be a strong trainer when he grows up.
On the other hand, Dawn was talking to Conway about their strategy and Brock was helping Nurse Joy to heal trainers' pokémons which Holly was admiring a lot.

"And...with that...the done" you said while panting. "I guess we should take a rest today- woah!"

You and your pokémons witnessed a powerful flamethrower in the sky, coming from a distance and decided to check it out, thinking it'll be Paul and Chimchar and of course, it was them. Paul was making all his pokémons attack the poor fire type.

"Hey Paul! What's going on here?" You asked, coming out of the bushes.
Paul ignoring you, commanded Chimchar to use flamethrower which went out of control and attacked you, making you fall back on the ground.
"Ouch!" "Row row?!" Spearow quickly sat beside you in worry followed by Chimchar.

"My head" you said, rubbing your head "hey, Chimchar! That flamethrower of yours was really great!" You said, making Chimchar happy.
"We're not through yet, Chimchar" Paul said, his backing facing you.
"Paul you need to give chimchar rest! You can't just treat him like this!"
"You don't understand it"
"I don't want to at this point anymore! Chimchar needs rest and that's the only I thing I know right now! We're a tag team and I have to take care of Chimchar too"
Ignoring you, Paul took Chimchar with him again but you weren't going to give up easily.

While he was overtraining Chimchar, yet again, Chimchar couldn't stand up anymore so Paul ordered Elekid to wake him up with thunder. But Shinx was faster. He managed to use discharge and stopped the thunder, then stood protectively infront of the weak Chimchar, surprising Paul and his pokémons.

"That's it! I'm taking Chimchar to the pokémon center and i won't let you stop me!"
"Be my guest" he spat out and you dashed off to the center, holding Chimchar close to you.

By the time you went to the center, everyone was already talking among themselves in a table. Seeing you with Chimchar, Brock immediately started to take care of it while everyone was worried.

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