Chapter 7: Back to Kanto

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(The OC in the picture is of Arlo, will be needed for the next chapter and Kit hope you didn't minded me using the gacha club version you made of Arlo ;-;)

"Hi, I'm here to battle for the orange league trophy" Ash said
"Me too"
"More participants eh? Let me just verify all for your badges" The man in the counter quickly checked your and Ash's 4 badges and showed them on the screen "well, now it says you both came all the way from Pallet town, Mr. Ash ketchum and Mrs. Y/N L/N is that right?"
"Yes, that's correct" You said
"That's my hometown"
"Okay, Mr. Ketchum, your winners trophy match is scheduled for tomorrow, 10'o clock sharp, and Mrs. L/N, your winners trophy match is scheduled the day after Mr. Ash Ketchum's match, same time in the Pummelo Stadium"
"Alright, thank you" "Spe spe"
"Let's, get going then, Pikachu" "Pika"
"Wait" You stopped Ash from getting outside "we forgot to ask for the direction 'Mr. Ketchum'"
"Oh yea..."

"Here it is, the Pummelo stadium" The man took everyone to the giant stadium in the middle of the island "where you both will have your big battles, and this, is the palace of victory"
"The palace of victory?" Ash asked going inside the palace
"Well that's the official name but most people nowadays know it as the orange island Hall of Fame"
"So this is the hall of fame" You gasped looking here and there to the palace while the man talked about how hard it will be to win and stuffs. There were pictures of trainers with their pokémons and in front of the photos there were the winner's handprint and the pokémon's footprints.

[Let's skip Ash's Battle] At night

Ash was dying of happiness cause he finally won, and you were trying to make a perfect team for winning, also getting helped by Misty and Tracey

"Professor Oak?"
"Yes, Y/N?"
"So uhmm can you please transfer some of my pokémons? I think I made my team up"
"Sure, tell me the pokémons" You told him the names and transferred the pokémons for tomorrow.

"Hope your pokémons will do their best!" Ash cheered still admiring his trophy.

The next day

"Everyone, welcome back to the pummelo stadium! After yesterday's battle everyone is still shocked! Let's see what happens in today's battle! So without any further waiting! Let's Start!!!"

"Go Ditto, I choose you"
"Spearow! Lets do it!" "Spe"

"Start the match!"

"Okay, Ditto, use transform!" Drake commanded Ditto and it turned into a Spearow
"Okay, Spearow, quick attack!"
"Ditto show them our quick attack as well!"
"Quick! Use drill Peck and then tackle!" "Spe"

"Ditto use drill peck as well!"
"Dodge it and Ariel Ace!"
"Finish it with Quick attack!"

"Ditto is unable to battle, Spearow won" the judge said as the bar consisting Ditto's face turned grey and the crowd started to cheer

(I still don't know that how people weren't able to defeat Drake's Ditto or other pokémons, Dragonite is understandable but others??)

"You did a great job, Ditto...Now! onix! I choose you!"
"Spearow! Come back" "spe" it said sitting on your head "Go, lapras!"


"Lapras ice beam to freeze the field!"
"Onix quick! Dig attack!" Onix went underground as Lapras freezed the field with ice.

"Lapras, be careful! Onix can come out of no where"
"Onix! Earthquake!"
"Lapras! close your eyes and focus!" "Lapras"
"Okay, Onix! Now!"
"Lapras! No!" The onix broke through the ice and threw lapras to the sky

"Okay....Lapras! Use Ice beam!"
"Onix no!" Drake shouted as Onix fell into the ground
"End this with Water gun!" "Lap!"

"Onix is unable to battle!" The judge spoke again as Onix's bar turned grey

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