Chapter 39: Shinx's fear

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"round to goooo" Dawn chirped, twirling around in her new dress
"I've never seen this side of you, Dawn" Brock commented
"Wearing a dress is a new one on me"
"What do you expect from a pokémon contest?"

"So you mean that you're all dressed up because it's your first time out?"
"Oh how naive can you get?" Dawn scolded to Ash
"Wait so you aren't dressed up for that?" You asked to which Dawn slapped her hand on her face
"For your information, trainers in the sinnoh region always dress up for contests"

"Wait what?!" You gasped realising that you don't have a new dress to wear for that "that's something new..." You sweat dropped
"Back in Hoenn and Kanto we never heard of this rule" Arlo explained to Dawn "wonder if this rule is also in Johto or not" he says
"Only way to know about that is to call May and ask" Brock smiled

While you four were bickering, Dawn thanked her mother, Johanna through the call.
"Meow" a catlike Pokemon suddenly came with a choker on its tail
"It's a glameow!" Dawn said
"It's so cute!"
"Wow, let's see" Ash pulled out his dex and scanned its information

The glameow showed it's tail which had a choker on it "what do we have here?" Dawn asked
"There you are" A girl with spiky red hair came behind the glameow
"Did you found it?"
"It was on the floor of the dressing room"
"But how did you knew that it was Dawn's?"
"Matching that with the owner was a breeze, and she's the only girl in the whole complex who's wearing something that would go with it"
"I am? Thank you!" Dawn twirled around to face her mom on the screen "see! I got the choker now so you don't have to worry about a thing!" She continued talking to her mother

"Uhm guys" you called the three who looked at you "turns out that I don't have anything to wear for the contest..."
"Maybe you should go for a quick shopping before the contest. I think there is a shopping centre beside the contest hall" Brock said looking into his map"uh-ha, I was correct, see there's a mall right here"

"Then give me a few minute and I'll be back with a new dress then!"
"Sure! We'll be with Dawn by that time"
"Mhm....if only I knew about this rule before, I might've told my mom to send me a dress I wore on my first grand festival" you sighed running out of the hall quickly.


You arrived back at the back of the Pokemon center where Ash and Dawn were battling but suddenly Aipom came in the middle and started performing.

"That's a good looking move right there" You said entering the field "row" "even Spearow agrees"
"Perhaps Aipom wants to participate in the contest too?" Arlo says standing up with Brock
"I agree with him, I think he does wants that" Brock says while feeding his Bonsly in his arms.

"Aipom, is that true?" Ash asks coming nearer to Aipom "keeee"
"Aipom's always watching us practice, it's no fun sitting in the sidelines. Right piplup?" "Piplup!"
"Maybe you should enter in this contest too, Ash" you suggested making Ash and Pikachu surprise
"Do you want to enter, Aipom?" "Keeeee"

"C'mon, you already know how contests work and you entered one with May before they left for Hoenn! It'll be fun!"
"Y/N's right! Enter in this one with Aipom, Ash!" Arlo pleaded too which made Ash think a bit.
"Alright then! Aipom! Let's do this!"

"GUYS WE FORGOT ABOUT ONE THING!" You suddenly gasped in horror
"What is it, Y/N?"
"WE FORGOT ABOUT REGISTRATION!" You yelled making everyone yell "WHAT" in horror.


"I'm here to enter!"
"Yeah, me too!" "Pika"
"Me three!" "Spea-row!"

"Of course, I'll just need to see the three of yours contest passes"
"Huh?" You three looked at each other
"Every region got a different pass, right?" You asked the lady while showing her your Hoenn and Kanto passes which Dawn looked at like a fangirl.
"Yes, of course. If you guys don't have one, then put your pokedex in one of these slabs so I could register you"

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