Chapter 45: Dual Winners!

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Upon arriving in Hearthome City, the first location to go at was the gym, but Nando who was standing outside of the gym, informed that it was closed as the leader, Fantina was out which made You and Dawn leave the egg with the boys and go with Nando to register for the upcoming contest which was tomorrow.

"So how many ribbons did you won, Nando?" You asked, starting a conversation with Spearow resting on your head as usual.
"I still find myself with one contest ribbon and one gym badge" he informed "what about you, miss Dawn and miss Y/N?"
"Same as you"
"I still have one ribbon too, tomorrow will be my first contest in a while" Dawn then explained how a friend of hers taught her how to use combination moves.

The three of you entered the registration place to see Zoey sitting alone on a chair with a shellos on her lap and Glameow on the table.

"Huh? That's the friend I was telling you about!" Dawn said to Nando and went to Zoey while you gave her an apathetic look. "Zoey!"
"Dawn! You made it"
"Is your leg all healed?"
"It's as good as new"
"Wow it's a great news!" Dawn exclaimed while Nando came behind her with you.

"Dawn who's that?" Zoey asked curiously
"Hello, my name is Nando. Pokémon bard at your service" Nando introduced himself in a singing voice while playing that golden Mew-themed harp. "It was after meeting Dawn and her friends that I decided to take part in both gym battles and contests, and Y/N inspired me to do so a lot"

"Oh really?" Zoey asked in a slight rude tone, while glancing at you once.
"Indeed, it's an honor to participate in both the events" Nando replied, unaffected by Zoey's slight rudeness
"Nando's a busy person" Dawn tried to change the topic but before she could, Zoey spoke again.
"He really needs to make up his mind"
"My pokémons guide me, that's the wise way, do you not agree then?" He asked while Zoey closed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Um...uhhh.." Dawn was confused along with her piplup at the current situation.
Poking on Nando's arms, you motioned him to follow you, so the oddly tension in the air which was thickening could become normal and Dawn could talk to Zoey about something else.
"Hey Nando, I'm sorry about that, Zoey a know, like she thinks that one should stick to a particular path"
"So she doesn't like it when someone participates in both contests and gym battles?"
"Exactly, that's why the serious rivalry between me and her started."
"I see, well then, shall we go and register?"

The night soon fell as Dawn was getting more scared about her first double performance tomorrow.
"My heart feels like it's racing about a hundred miles per second afterall, it's my first double performance"
"And it's all happening tomorrow" Zoey said, coming to the gang.
"Hey, long time no see!" Ash greeted

'Great, now she's gonna throw her one person, one contest or one gym battle rule here aswell' you thought, rolling your eyes "row?" Spearow nudged you "it's nothing, Spearow"

"I heard about the Hearthome gym thing, I'm really sorry about Ash"
"It was a drag at first, but me, Brock and Y/N are entering the Hearthome tag battle that'll be a blast!"
"Oh yeah, that should be fun" 'Y/N seriously needs to make up her mind of either sticking with contests or gyms'
"Thanks! I hope you do great tomorrow too!"
"Of course, if i win tomorrow that'll mean Dawn and–" Zoey paused before looking at you once before continuing, "–Y/N wouldn't"

"Eh" Dawn nervously laughed
"Let's say I'm rooting for the three of you, okay?" Ash yelled in confusion "pikaaa!"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, thanks to the great advice you gave me about double performances, I know I'll do great!"
"You know you'll do great?"
"I can't wait! You taught me so much about contests Zoey!" Dawn spoke before turning to face you "and you too Y/N! When I saw your matches when you were in Hoenn, I noted everything down and the ones you taught me here in Sinnoh, after that I'm sure I'll win!"

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