Chapter 32: Grand Festival in Kanto!

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A/N: i love how y'all adore Drew. You guys' comments on the last chapter got me giggling like a psycho 😭 (the comments were hella cute 😭)

Anyways just 3-4 chapters are left before we are in sinnoh and the thought of leaving the Hoenn gang made me cry while writing. Surely gonna miss Hoenn (ik battle frontier thing is going on in Kanto but shut up)

"ahhhh!!!! We finally made it!" Max yelled
"It's humongous!"
"Seeing the Indigo plateau sure brings backs memories" Brock said
"Yeah of course. It was the place where I battled in the pokémon league back then" "pika"
"And you're forgetting that i won the league~" you cooed "spearowww!"
"Of course you did" Ash playfully rolled his eyes

Since the last time they met Drew, luckily Ash and Brock tried to calm themselves down from that incident and tried to forget all about it.

You and May ran down the hill to the hall and registered yourselves in the contest but somehow after the registration of you both, an aipom stole Ash's hat and started running away with it but with the help of Drew's Roselia, Ash got his hat back as the aipom ran away.
"Oh thanks for the help, Drew" Ash said putting his hat back on
"What's going on? You all are way over the top. You need to chill out more than that aipom" Drew said

"C'mon, I bet you're just as nervous as I am" May said to Drew
"Sorry May, but I don't do that" He replied flipping his hair "huh"
"But you used to back in your younger days"
"Woah! Do my eyes deceive or are you Solidad?!" Brock said with hearts in his eyes
"Solidad?" Ash, May and Max repeated the girl's name
"Oh and you're Brock right? Ex gym leader of the Pewter City?"
"Yeah and-" Brock was about to start saying something but Solidad cut him off
"I'm sorry but I really need to talk to Drew and Y/N at this moment" she walked towards you both's direction "so Y/N, Arlo and Drew, it has been a while, how are you three?"
"Great, and it's good to see you"
"Better than anything!"
"Great! What about you?"

"I'm good too. It's been so long since we all met....I believe we last met in the Hoenn grand festival which was before the last one"
"Yep! I missed you so much" you smiled "and you're Slowbro, it looks great"
"Thank you, your Spearow looks like it's in a great shape too and same goes for your Roselia too, Drew"
"Thanks" he said "see you later" he was about to leave but looked at May one last time "May, she's a tough cookie. I'm sure Y/N will tell you about her" and with that he left

'i thought he was gonna bring up our last conversation' you frowned but quickly shook the thing off your head.
"You must be May"
"Y-yeah, I am"
"Drew told me a lot about you"
"Wait he did?"
"Yeah, we met a lot of time this year's grand festival and he was telling me all about this new rival of his which happens to be you."


The night fell as Solidad talked about how sad Drew was when he first loss in the grand festival, which happened to be his first loss. Then how close those two became when you caught Drew's eyes and how a great mentor he became that he started to help you out in the contests. Then in the finals, You, Drew, Solidad and Harley were the literal undefeatable, no one knew who would win but you were the lucky one who ended up winning the grand festival that year and then left to travel with May and the others.

It was a huge surprise for everyone to hear that even Harley was Solidad's old buddy and actually a good friend of yours too.
Then Drew met May and talked about her to Solidad and how much potential he saw in her, but she was grumpy and annoyed Drew which pissed May off.


The festival started the next day. The first Pokemon to compete was a rapidash, followed by some other trainers until it was Solidad's turn.
"She's going to be using her Lapras?! No way she's going be loosing this selection round then."
"Of course she won't" Drew smirked watching as the pokémon used sheer cold which froze all the water it splashed and the frozen water practically stopped right infront of the audience's faces.

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