Chapter 43: Becoming friends with Cynthia!

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It was another day with the gang in the Pokémon center, who were watching the Elite 4 member Lucian vs Sinnoh champion Cynthia's last night's match but apparently, while watching someone was crushing a bit hard on the fellow elite 4 member, creating a rivalry.

"Just what I expect, Lucian vs the champion league master" Brock said, watching the match with Dawn, Arlo and Ash while eating on the counter only to hear a yell from his long time crush, who already ate before and was brushing her Eevee on the couch

"LUCIAN IS HERE?!" You yell in surprise and quickly took a seat beside Ash which was nearest to the TV, surprising the four
"Woah Y/N! Calm down, what happened?"
"YOU'RE ASKING ME WHAT HAPPENED?! ITS LUCIAN AGAINST CYNTHIA!" You squeaked, pink heart on your eyes "GO LUCIAN GO! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!" You cheered loudly

"Y/N got a crush on Lucian?" Dawn asked sweatdropping
"Looks so" Arlo replied, sipping his orange juice nervously after seeing Brock and Ash looking at Lucian on the TV with anger and fire in their eyes.
"They wish to be Lucian at this point so much" Dawn said nervously laughing "pip piplup" "chu" "row" "voi" the pokémons sighed to see how much excited you were and how much the two boys were fuming.

"Hey guys, check it out! The champion just turned up in the Amity square!" A little guy suddenly rushed into the room and informed his friends
"No way!"
"Cynthia's over there?!"
"Let's go!"

The kids ran off to meet the champion while your friends stood there watching them.
"C'mon, let's go too!" Ash said
"Yeah!" Dawn, Brock and Arlo agreed before Pikachu pointed at you still watching the match.
"Oh c'mon Y/N! No time to waste!" Ash said holding your hand and dragging you outside, relieved to know that you won't be seeing Lucian anymore and smirked at Brock

"Hey, no fair let me see Lucian!" You whined while Ash still dragged you.
Brock's eyes fell on your hand which was intertwined with Ash's which you didn't paid attention to and were busy complaining.
"LEAVE HER ALone" Brock started with a loud voice but got depressed and started crying in a corner
"Y/N, calm down! Cynthia is here!" Arlo said
"Wait what?!"
"Were you even listening to what the kid said?" Dawn asked crossing her arms
"No? What did they said?"
"Ugh" she groaned, slapping her face "They said that Cynthia is in the Amity Square and everyone is going there to see her!"
"What?! Then what're we doing here?! Let's go and see her!" You said excitedly and dashed towards where the location was forgetting that Ash was still holding onto you.

Finally reaching to where the Amity Square was at, you noticed the ice cream stand first and wanted to eat your favourite ice cream!

"Ash, can we get an ice cream before going to meet Cynthia?"
"Sure! Only if you would let go...of uhh my hand first...?" He said raising the hand you were holding on now while Ash wanted to let go (he actually didn't wanted to but still)

You blushed like a tomato and immediately threw his hand away "IM SO SORRY! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHEN I HELD IT AT THE FIRST PLACE!" you wanted the ground to swallow you, but it was selfish anyways.

Trying to walk out of the embarassment you went to the ice cream stand with red face and got your favourite ice cream.

"Guys I'm back" you said returning back to the four and stood beside Dawn.
"Woah look it's actually the sinnoh champion Cynthia!" Arlo exclaimed
"Yeah- hey it's Paul!" You said as Paul walked passed you
"Hey Paul!" Ash greeted walking up to him "haven't seen you since Oreburgh, how many badges have you won? I got two of them now!" Ash told proudly

"Hey, I also got two of them!" You inform, feeling bad for being left out
"Oh yeah sorry" Ash grinned apologetically
"It's really none of your business see" Paul said rudely as always before walking up to Cynthia and challenging her to a full battle

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