14. Hoba & Hyungie

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The staff asked "Bulletproof" to leave backstage right after their performance so new bands could prepare for going onstage. The members still felt euphoric and full of energy after performing "Fake Love". But their moment of glory was gone and they had to respect other bands.

When the boys joined the audience once again, Yoongi suddenly remembered Hoseok and his unreadable face expression during the performance. He was happy that they younger made to the event but why did he look so... confused? Lost? Yoongi wasn't sure what all of that meant, but he really wanted to see Hobi.

He noticed Jimin and Hoseok standing farther away from crowd. He didn't pay attention to it earlier, but Hobi looked breathtaking. Just like the members he wore black outfit and was incredibly handsome. When the band came closer to the boys Jimin immediately threw himself at Taehyung who gladly hugged his boyfriend and lifted him up from the ground.

"You were brilliant guys!!" The blonde exclaimed still being trapped in Tae's embrace.

"Aw, thank you Jiminshi." Jungkook proudly flipped back his imaginary hair.

"Hey, don't put on airs JK." Namjoon told the younger. "It was just one performance nothing special-"

While others talked with each other and discussed their performance Yoongi and Hoseok just simply looked at one another. No words needed to be exchanged between them, their eyes said it all. The younger then adorably smiled at his hyung. Yoongi gently pulled him by wrist and two of them walked away from their friends.

Yoongi needed a hug, he needed Hobi's hug. But he wasn't gonna tell him that. Even though he wanted the younger to know, he didn't want to tell him.

When they found place no one could see them, Yoongi let go of Hoseok's wrist.

"I'm so glad that you were here when I was on the stage." The silver haired boy softly told his friend and somehow managed to hold himself back from hugging him.

"I told you I would be there whatever it takes. I always keep my promises, hyung." The brunette grinned. Hearing Yoongi's words meant world to him. All his doubts instantly vanished. He was exactly where he was supposed to be, by his best friend's side.

Yoongi pulled out of his jacket's pocket a small black baggy and timidly looked at the flawless boy in front of him.

"I promised to give you a present yesterday, remember?" He asked.

The brunette slowly nodded. Of course Hoseok remembered, he couldn't fall asleep for hours thinking about it the previous night, but now he tried to act cool in front of the older and don't expose himself. Yoongi chuckled at Hobi's cuteness.

He opened the baggy and took out two handmade matching bracelets. They were made of nylon rope braided band and each had colorful beads with some letters in the middle. When Hobi looked closely, he saw that on the one bracelet was made word "HOBA" and on the other "HYUNGIE".

Hoseok covered his mouth with a hand. It was so cute and beautiful in his opinion. No one had ever made such thoughtful present for him. He had received many kind of gifts from expensive to very large ones but none of them had any special meaning behind them.

He looked at Yoongi with teary eyes and whispered, "It's perfect, I love it." Yoongi carefully wiped the younger's tears and caressed his cheek. Hobi immediately leaned to his touch.

"I wanted to give you something that would make sense only to us." Yoongi told him softly and handed the brunette bracelet with "Hoba" on it. "You're the only person who calls me "hyungie" and I'll be the only one to call you "Hoba".

Hoseok smiled at the nickname. He loved it. Everything that Yoongi said or did was so natural. He was very grateful for a friend like him.

"When did you find time to make these?" Hobi asked as Yoongi smoothly slid the bracelet on the younger's hand. It fitted perfectly. Yoongi then quickly kissed the letters saying "HOBA". Hoseok instantly blushed and thanked god that the older boy didn't notice it as Yoongi was busy putting his own bracelet on the wrist.

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