17. A Soulmate

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Moving into Hoseok's mansion was one of the best decisions Yoongi had ever made. He just blinked and a week had already passed. Yoongi noticed that when he was with Hoseok time disappeared. Was it some sort of magic? Maybe. But the older didn't complain. After couple of days he got really used to living with Hoseok not to mention that it was much more enjoyable than living with his own parents.

As the younger thought, Jiwoo wasn't against of Yoongi spending some time in their mansion. Even though she barely knew the sliver haired boy, she was already attached to him and was very happy to find out that he would live with them. Hoseok kept his word and made sure that Jiwoo didn't find out the real reason why Yoongi stayed with them.

The brunette decided to give his friend the closest bedroom to his own (however, at first he wanted to suggest Yoongi to share his room, but thought that would be weird since they had many free bedrooms in the mansion).

Yoongi was more than grateful for Jung siblings kindness. They treated him wonderfully, genuinely cared for the boy and were very attentive towards him. He and Hoseok became even closer than before. They left together for school in the mornings and always spent evenings by each other's side. During the day they usually were both busy with swimming practices and band rehearsals. So after long day it was such a relief for boys to get home and cuddle on the couch in front of the TV. Yoongi found it easy to talk with his friend about anything, although Yoongi wasn't the one who talked most of the time. Usually, he just listened to Hoseok who never got tired of talking. Quite soon he realized that the younger's voice was one of the most favorite sounds for him.

Around two weeks later after leaving his family house, Yoongi had an usual rehearsal with his band. He and Namjoon sat in the studio waiting for others to join. Yoongi was writing some notes down in his notebook when he heard his friend's question.

"How is it to live at Hoseok's?" The older looked up at Namjoon. One thought of Hobi was enough to make him automatically smile.

"It's great, Joon. He's amazing neighbor."

"Oh, I see." Namjoon said. "I was just so surprised when found out that you would be living with him. I asked you several times to move in my house but you always denied.."

Namjoon indeed asked many times Yoongi to live with him but the older never agreed. He knew that would be causing troubles for Joon's parents who had average income and couldn't afford taking responsibility for another teenager boy. The last thing Yoongi wanted was to be a burden, that's why he politely refused Namjoon's kind offer.

"Are you jealous that I so easily agreed to move with Hobi?" Yoongi jokingly asked.

"Nooo." Namjoon quickly replied but in reality he was a bit sad that his childhood friend chose to live with someone he knew for two months instead of him. "I just didn't expect it, that's all. But I'm glad that you don't share house with your father anymore. I was relieved to hear that."

"Yeah, It's a nice feeling to be able go home anytime you want and not being afraid that your father will beat you up for that." Yoongi's latest bruises had already faded and were barely visible. Hoseok took really good care of him. He changed the bandages daily, anointed bruised areas with aloe vera, vitamin K cream so it would heal faster. And two weeks later Yoongi's condition was much better. "When I'm with Hoseok, I feel so comfortable, Joon. When he's with me.." It feels home. Yoongi didn't finish the sentence out loud. He had recently realized that a person can be your home and if that's true then Jung Hoseok was his home.

"Who is he to you, Yoongi?" Namjoon asked his friend who was lost in the thoughts.

"W-what do you mean Namjoonah?! He's my friend of course!" The older replied nervously, not understanding why a simple question made him so nervous.

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