25. Drunk or In Love?

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The loud music could be heard in every part of mansion no matter how far away Yoongi went from the living room filled with sweaty and drunk teenagers. First couple of hours he tried to avoid ongoing party (to be more precise, the host) but after realizing it was impossible and he couldn't fall asleep because of the banging music playing on his nerves, he decided to join his friends downstairs.

He glanced at the dancing crowd from the second floor noticing Jimin's blonde head wiggling beside Taehyung. Few seconds later couple was shamelessly making out at the dance floor. Horny bastards, Yoongi rolled his eyes. He then hoped maybe Namjoon would hang out with him but the latter was dragged by... Kim Seokjin? to the direction of the guest bedrooms located on the first floor. Yoongi couldn't believe his eyes, his best fried was about to get laid by one of the hottest guys in their school. The fuck is that? was all that he thought as he approached the table full of drinks and spotted Jungkook and Rose with red cups in their hands giggling at something.

"Hey you!" He shouted as loud as possible to not be suppressed by music. Surprisingly, he got their attention. "Yes you two! Aren't you too young for alcohol?" He snatched the cups from their grip and glared at them.

"But hyung!" Jungkook immediately whined trying to return his drink. "Everyone else drinks here, we want it too."

"Yes, Yoongi!" Rose joined her friend pouting. "Stop being a grumpy grandpa we're just having fun."

"Because of this," Yoongi pointed at the table with variety of drinks. "You might make mistakes that will ruin your lives."

"Ew! What are you indicating to hyung?" Jungkook threw disgusted look at the older when he understood what Yoongi was talking about. "Me and Rose? Never! How could you think about it?"

"Wait, what?" Rose also butted in with bewildered expression. "Eeeew! My girlfriend would hate hearing that! I'll go find Lisa before that gets weirder." She ran away looking for her girlfriend.

"Oh, I didn't know that." Yoongi casually said and took a sip from confiscated cup. Jungkook just shook his head and headed to the dance floor.

Not that Yoongi was looking for Hoseok, but subconsciously he scanned the room searching for the younger. It was hard task considering flashing lights making it hard to recognize anyone, but soon Yoongi's eyes landed on the couple standing in the corner and talking or something. He really wanted to look away not to hurt himself even worse, but for some reason he couldn't do that. So when Mina pulled Hoseok closer for a kiss, Yoongi watched two of them with the gritted teeth and dark gaze. He was this close to storm over there drag the girl from Hobi and roughly kiss him against the wall.

Yoongi didn't notice how he finished Jungkook and Rose's drinks and few more on top of it. due to his low alcohol tolerance he quite quickly felt dizzy and started weirdly waggling under electronic music. He didn't care how much he had already drunk, it was better than watching Mina and Hoseok suck each other's faces in that corner. Yoongi had never drunk much ever since he found out his body couldn't take alcohol, but that night he truly got wasted as if there was no tomorrow. He had only one wish, to forget it all.

So when an hour later Yoongi tumbled in the first bedroom he could reach on the second floor, he didn't notice it wasn't his. He somehow climbed on the king sized bed and quickly fell into a slumber. He didn't know how long he slept before the door opened and someone entered the room.

"Hey! Go fuck somewhere else, this bedroom is taken." He mumbled thinking some horny teenagers came to have sex. But when he didn't hear them leaving, Yoongi sat up on the bed groaning displeased that his sleep was rudely interrupted and looked at the culprit. He was still not in the best state and thought that was seeing things when saw incredibly hot Jung Hoseok in front of him. He didn't pay attention to boy's outfit downstairs but now under dim lights of small lamp next to the bed, his breath hitched when Hoseok walked towards him in the oversized black shirt, red sweatpants and the shiny jacket mix of those two colors.

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