45. Terrifying Truth

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Hoseok felt unease the whole morning. The boy had that weird feeling when something inside you hurts but you can't figure out what's wrong. The lessons lasted longer than usual and Hoseok couldn't bring himself to concentrate on what the teachers talked about. He physically attended classes, but his mind was somewhere else. No matter what the brunette did, he was restless and he badly wanted to know what was the reason.

"Are you okay Hobi? You look...eh... a bit different." Jin's voice brought the boy back to reality.

It was already lunch time and six boys sat around their usual table in the center of canteen. Hoseok had his tray in front of him and instead of eating he was just staring at a piece of pizza, an apple and cup of rice that he had bought. Jin obviously noticed that odd behavior not to mention that Hoseok usually eats much more food than what he had on tray.

"Hellou? Earth to Hobi~"Jin called him one more time.

Hoseok finally paid some attention to his surroundings. There wasn't anything unusual. Jin and Namjoon as always sat side by side and shared the food (by share he meant Jin ate anything he wanted from his boyfriend's tray and the latter didn't mind at all). The maknaes as always ate in an awkward silence. Jungkook was sitting between Jimin and Taehyung and tried to start up a conversation with both of them (key word: tried), things were still complicated between ex boyfriends.

Hoseok would admit that everything was fine if not....

"Where is Yoongi?" He asked after it registered in his mind that his boyfriend was absent. Yoongi would never miss a lunch on his own will.

"Actually I haven't seen him during English as well." Namjoon recalled. He knew Yoongi better than anyone and he was aware of fact that the silver haired attended all classes to graduate the school successfully. "I tried to call him but it said that the caller is unavailable. I couldn't contact him."

"Oh, he left with his dad." Jin said casually having no idea how big deal was that. But when Hoseok's chopsticks fell on the tray and the boy looked at him with terrified look, Seokjin realized that something was wrong. Like very wrong.

"When, hyung?" Hoseok grabbed Jin by his wide shoulders and shook him. "When did it happen?"

"Before our first class." Jin replied now scared of the look in the younger's eyes. "I saw him standing with a man who introduced himself as his father."

"Jin, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Namjoon asked with same worried expression as Hoseok and Seokjin was very confused as to why his boyfriend and best friend acted this way.

"I-I didn't know it was that important..."

"Aish!" Hoseok shot up from his seat so fast that his chair flew back and landed on the floor with a loud bang. That drew other student's attention to angry brunette and at that moment even Jin was a bit scared of Hoseok. "I'm going to his house."

"Wait, I'll come with you." Namjoon joined his side. "I can't let you drive alone now. You don't think straight."

Hoseok didn't deny his offer and two of them headed out of the school not explaining anything to their shocked friends.

"Hobi please try to calm down before we sit in the car." Namjoon asked the boy once they reached Hoseok's shiny yellow car. He really preferred to drive himself, but he... couldn't. The smartest boy of school didn't know how to drive.

"I'm fine, let's just go Joon. We have already lost lots of time." The older hurried him up.

How could he possibly calm down when Yoongi was left alone with that monster for hours? Hoseok still remembered all those bruises and wounds on his precious baby boy's delicate body. No one deserved to be treated like that, especially an innocent bean like Yoongi.

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