53. New Opportunities

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Jungkook was nervous. He had just shown his brand new song, that he wrote previous night, to Yoongi. He didn't know what happened, but no matter what the boy did, he just couldn't fall asleep. So he spent a whole night writing a new song. He let out every thought, emotion and feeling that he kept inside of himself for months. It felt truly magnificent.

"Wow, Kook. This is just.... wow." Yoongi told the younger with proud grin. They currently were at Namjoon's place. After disbanding they spent much less time at their old studio, but whenever the boys wanted to create music together, they always came there. To the place that became their home over years.

"You really liked it hyung?"

"Of course, Jungkook. This song is gonna be a hit one day." Yoongi stated confidently. "I don't usually say stuff like this, but I'm very proud of you right now, kid. At moments like this I feel like you aren't my little Kookie anymore that I raised. I can't get out of my head what a little boy you were when we first met."

Jungkook couldn't help but cheekily smile at his hyung, as he remembered their first meeting.

"You said I had deer-like eyes."

"But you did! You looked at me and Namjoon with your huge innocent eyes. Your whole aura was screaming innocence. Not really much changed over years, Kook. You're still that innocent baby, but now with couple of tattoos and piercings."

"No, hyung. You're wrong." Jungkook sat on the dark yellow sofa next to the older and sighed for some reason. "I've changed too."

Before Yoongi could ask the boy what exactly he meant, Namjoon entered the studio with a tray.

"Guys, my mom made some lemonade for us." He put cold drinks on the small table near the sofa and joined his friends.

"Thanks, Joon." Yoongi took one glass and started sipping sweet beverage.

For some unknown reason, Jungkook really wasn't in the mood. Okay, maybe he lied when he said he didn't know why he couldn't sleep previous night. Actually, something happened that made the teenager boy overthink it over and over again, until he didn't drown himself in the music as distraction.

"I want to tell you something." Jungkook found himself saying it to others who were engaged in a conversation that the youngest didn't really pay attention to.

"What is it, Kook?" Namjoon asked him with tender voice.

"Have you heard anything about Bighit?"

Both Namjoon and Yoongi had concerned faces for a minute, trying to recall anything about what Jungook asked them.

"No, I don't think so." Yoongi said after while.

"Yeah, same here." Namjoon added. "Why are you asking, anyway?"

"That's what I though." Jungkook got up from the old sofa and stood tall in front of his hyungs. "Bighit is a rookie entertainment company that's recruiting young people like us. And yesterday.... Well, I went on audition there."

Yoongi's eyes widened upon hearing such information. He didn't know Jungkook was already auditioning at companies. His best friend had equally surprised face.

"And they loved my songs. The ones we wrote together, Yoongi-hyung. I, of course, told them about you, Namjoon and even Tae. They got very curious about four of us and when I showed them our old demo, that we recorded when we still were a band, they loved it!"

Jungkook looked hopefully at his hyungs waiting for a positive reaction. He wanted them to be as happy as he was when the agency told him that they would love to work with all four boys.

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