15. Living With The Devil

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"And don't forget class, you'll have project presentations tomorrow." The chemistry teacher said right before the bell rang. The whole class whined. "I'm glad that you're as excited as me." He joked and left the annoyed students.

Hoseok, who sat next to Yoongi already for a month since they became project partners, was the only one who wasn't complaining. After all they had waited for this day for such a long time.

"Do you wanna come over today, Yoongi? We could practice a bit more before presentation." They had finished working on project few days ago and since then Yoongi hadn't visited Hobi's mansion even once. That saddened the younger. He got used to his hyung's company and already missed him.

"Oh!" Hoseok exclaimed as an amusing idea crossed his mind. "You can stay at night as well and tomorrow we will come together at school." The brunette clapped hands in excitement. "Come oooooooon, what's stopping you?"

As much as Yoongi wanted to hang out with Hobi he couldn't do that. As usual, that day he was giving piano lessons to students and later had to meet up with his band members.

"I'm sorry sunshine, I can't today." He said with a guilty face. He hated saying no to Hoseok and seeing how smile fades away from his beautiful face but that day he really didn't have choice. Yoongi couldn't lose those few students he had. He needed to save more money or he wouldn't have opportunity to go to college at all.

"It's fine, I guess." Hoseok told him with a sad voice. He understood that Yoongi physically couldn't be 24/7 by his side. He scolded himself for being selfish and always wanting the older only to himself. "I have a swimming practice anyway, I'll go home late too."

"Alright, then see you tomorrow Hobi." Yoongi quickly pinched Hoseok's right cheek with two fingers and left not forgetting to flash his famous gummy smile at the boy before that.

After practice Hoseok indeed went straight home. When he arrived in the empty mansion it was around 9 pm. The brunette decided to do some homework to keep himself busy but got bored quite soon and nearly fell asleep on the Math book. He then decided to go to bed earlier as Hobi couldn't wait for the next day. No, he wasn't a nerd who loved doing presentations, he was excited because that was the project he had done with his favorite hyung. One thought of Yoongi was enough to make the boy smile.

Hoseok took long hot shower and afterwards put on his favorite blue pajamas with small horses on it. Once he covered himself with sheets, the door of his bedroom opened and revealed Jiwoo.

"Noona!" Hoseok sat up on his bed and threw surprised look at his sister. "When did you come? I didn't hear you."

Jiwoo had already changed and wore comfortable home clothes. She approached her brother's bed and climbed on it laying by his side. Hobi giggled happily because the last time he and Jiwoo shared a bed was very long time ago, when their parents were still alive.

"I'm home already for ten minutes, Hobi. How could you not hear the door? It's so loud." She informed the younger. "Should I get worried? What if someone breaks in, you won't even realize that!"

"Stop overreacting Jiwoo. That would be weird if someone decided to break in using our front door, don't you think so?"

Well, yes, she didn't think about that but decided not to admit it in front of her baby brother so changing topic seemed to be the best option for her.

"So, your noona came to tell you that I owe you a present for winning your first competition this semester. Sorry for being late with that, but you know I'm very proud of you right?" Jiwoo caressed his face and fondly smiled at her brother telling him that she really deeply loved and cared for him. And the younger knew it. He had never doubted that even for a second. His sister meant a world for him and he knew that feeling was mutual.

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