43. Boy In Luv

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Jiwoo had to close the restaurant because of the big amount of students that came to celebrate swim team's victory. Yoongi noticed that the restaurant where Jiwoo brought them was different from the one where he and Hoseok went on a date. This one was less... luxury. The interior here looked more casual and down to earth and honestly, Yoongi loved it. The waiters had connected few tables together, so it looked like they all sat along a long one instead.

The food was coming non stop. It reminded Yoongi the way plates filled on their own in Hogwarts and thus they couldn't be emptied, only with difference that here waiters were the ones who constantly filled the plates with food.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Jungkook stood up with a cup of banana milk (obviously no one gave them any alcohol, the teenagers were served with soda and fruit juice expect of Jungkook who asked to bring him banana milk). In an instant all eyes were on the boy and he felt a bit shy under their gazes. Nevertheless, he continued. "I think we all should raise a toast to our talented swim team who brought another victory to our school."

Everyone eagerly nodded raising their cups in the air.

"Hey, stob it." Jin said on English with a wide grin contradicting to his words. "You really don't have to do it... But continue." He cupped his handsome face and keenly listened.

"You guys were brilliant today." Mina said.

"Yeah, I don't remember watching such a great game for a while now." Rose added.

"We're very proud of you!" Some guy whose name Jin didn't know butted in.

"In short, this one is for you." And Jungkook gulped the banana milk in one go. Others shouted 'Cheers! Cheers!' before following his example.

Yoongi noticed how smiley was Hoseok all the time. He couldn't help but admire that beautiful smile that brought peace to him. He wanted to see it every day and he was going to fight the whole world, if needed, to bring smile on Jung Hoseok's pretty lips.

"Thank you guys. All of you." The brunette drew everyone's attention to himself. "What you did today was so beautiful and inspiring. I don't know about others but it helped me a lot. So thank you, especially you Mina. Yoongi told me that you came up with that idea."

"I really enjoyed doing that." The girl slightly blushed when everyone looked at her. She thought all those praises at her direction weren't necessary. The only reason why Mina did all of that was because she really wanted to do something nice to support Hoseok, especially after witnessing the previous game.  "We all participated in it equally. I had lots of fun with Yoongi, right?"

Yoongi froze sipping his juice. He didn't expect to be involved in conversation. Like at all.

"Yeah it was fine, I guess." But too time consuming. He didn't say it out loud though. However, when he saw how Mina's face fell at his answer, he added. "I enjoyed it too. Yeah, it was.... fun."

The girl happily clapped at it and a smile creeped on her face. Hoseok intervened their hands under the table and leaned dangerously close to his boyfriend.

"Have I told you today how much I love you?" He asked looking right into Yoongi's cat like eyes. The older couldn't maintain the intense gaze and shifted his eyes to Hoseok's kissable lips. That happened in a mere of seconds, but Hoseok didn't fail to notice that.

"Not yet but you'll have plenty of time once we get home." Yoongi already felt that with every passing second he became more and more horny. Hoseok chuckled at him and pecked his nose before returning his attention back to food.

Yoongi got bored soon after tasting all kind of dishes, so he looked around. The students talked with each other and seemed very happy. Of course they are, free food is life. Yoongi thought and glanced at his friends enjoying themselves. Namjoon and Jin were all over each other. The older of two was munching Japchae with one hand while his another hand was on Namjoon's thigh. Yoongi scrunched his face at the close proximity between the two and averted his eyes at the duo next them.

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