23. Broken Hearts 2

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Seokjin glanced at his nervous best friend once in a while. During practice Hoseok was quieter than usual and he barely smiled which was very odd. Even now, after long exhausting practice he was occasionally zoning out worrying his hyung.

"There was a girl that really wanted to attend our practice but I told her it was impossible and asked her to wait outside." Jin told his team members not quite sure why he suddenly remembered that accident. "She said that knows Hobi but I couldn't risk, she might have been some crazy fangirl."

The brunette snapped out when he heard his name. "What girl hyung?"

"Oh, I don't even remember her name. Let me think..." Jin tried to recall how she introduced herself. "It was Minnie or something like that I think."

"Do you mean Mina?" Hoseok stood up from the bench with wide eyes.

"Yeah..." The older slowly nodded not understanding what got the boy so nervous.

"Is she your friend Hobi?" Beomgyu asked who listened to the two alongside with Yeonjun.

"Yes, she is." The boy awkwardly replied debating whether to tell them or not about Mina. But at the end decided to do that since those three boys were his good friends who were by his side for years. "Actually, Mina is more than just a friend..."

"Ooooh." Yeonjun and Beomgyu let out simultaneously. Seokjin was the only one who wasn't impressed by the brunette's confession.

"She's what?" The purple haired asked with unreadable expression. Here it went again. Hoseok's another best friend not really happy about his developing relationship with the new girl.

"N-not just a friend. We aren't together or anything b-but I was thinking about starting something serious with her.." He looked up at his hyung who didn't seem neither happy nor angry. Hoseok prayed Jin wouldn't react like Yoongi did. He needed at least someone to support him.

"This is great Hobi!" Beomgyu ran to him and pulled Hoseok in bone-crushing hug. "I knew you would find someone worthy after that bitch Kan Hee. You really deserve that."

The brunette gladly received the hug from the younger member. Yeonjun joined them soon after that also congratulating his friend. Hoseok appreciated both of them but he really wanted to hear something from Jin, anything. So when two boy let go of him, his eyes quickly trialed to the older.

The purple haired put on not really sincere smile and asked, "I'm confused , why have I never heard of her before?"

"I myself met her not long ago." Hoseok replied. "And also, I realized that I'm finally ready for new relationship and I wanna try it with... her."

Four boys stood in awkward silent. Yeonjun and Beomgyu looked in between other two who apparently didn't know what to say.

"I just thought -" Jin started but then stopped. "Nevermind, I probably misunderstood something." He stepped closer to tensed boy and took both his hands. "If that's what you want, then go for it sweetie. But don't do something you'll regret later. Just because you're ready for relationship doesn't mean you have to start it with the first person who is kind to you. Got it?"

The younger nodded. Seokjin pecked Hobi's forehead before going back to his locker. He expected that soon the boy would start going out with someone again, but he didn't expect that to be... girl. He was pretty sure one silver haired boy had made his way to the younger's heart. So, either Jin was wrong all this time, or Hoseok was confused about his feelings. Since the first was never the case, it meant that Hobi hadn't figured out his sexuality yet. No matter how much Jin wanted to help his friend, he couldn't just tell him "Hey Hobi, guess what? You're gay, congratulations! Stop chasing girls and go be with the guy who lives with you and is totally whipped for you."

Seokjin sighed. He wasn't going to rush Hoseok and he decided not to intervene at all.

"So, if Jin-hyung told Mina that we had closed practice and she had to wait outside, do you think she's still there?" Yeonjun asked once he finished putting on dry clothes.

"Aish." Hoseok who was also nearly done grabbed his bag and ran out of the locker room putting on his jacket on the way and shouting, "I'll see you tomorrow" to his team members.

When the athlete came into the corridor he indeed saw the girl still sitting there looking at her phone. He silently approached her noticing that she was playing.. Candy Crush? Did anyone still had that game on phone? Wasn't it like super old?

"Hey, Mina." He patted her shoulder scaring the girl at first. But when she saw who it was, her face lit up.

"Hi Hobi." She stood up from the seat putting her phone in the pocket. "Are you done with the practice, how it went?"

"Fine, I guess. Nothing special. We're doing our best as usual."

"I can't wait to see your game. I've heard you're real MVP."

"Well... Maybe just a little bit." Hoseok's ears reddened at the compliment. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I-I came to ask you something." Mina got nervous out of the blue and sheepishly smiled to hide it but drastically failed. "I was thinking about you a lot lately and thought maybe you'd like to go out with me?" She glanced at the boy but when he didn't say anything she started chattering. "But I understand if you don't want to. I mean you don't really have to, it's absolutely fine -"

Hoseok placed his hands on the girls shoulders to calm her down. He looked into her brownish eyes and assured her with the smile that he wouldn't mind to go out with her.

"R-really?" She happily squealed not expecting the positive answer from the boy. "I didn't think you'd agree so easily. You might have noticed that I kind of l-like you. Cuz you're so amazing who wouldn't have fallen for you after spending some time with an angel? You're really special to me." Mina eyed Hoseok's lips and slowly leaned closer giving the boy time to back off if he wanted.

The brunette saw what was coming and honestly, he didn't want it to happen so suddenly but part of him hoped that maybe after the first kiss, he would start feeling at least anything towards the girl so he let her lips touch his. It was a simple, light kiss not a heated and passionate one. Just perfect innocent first kiss. But to Hoseok's big disappointment his heart didn't skip a beat, he didn't have desire to deepen the kiss or do it again. As Mina's lips were pressed against his, he just felt nothing and it upset him. What was wrong with him? How could he not be thrilled kissing someone as wonderful as Mina? It definitely wasn't her fault because she was truly great person, it was him.

A single tear fell down Hoseok's cheek as they broke the kiss. He felt guilty for not feeling anything while Mina's face covered with pink tint and she cutely giggled. He weakly forced himself to smile at the excited girl in front of him.

"Do you wanna go eat ice cream?" She suggested trying to act cool as if they didn't share the first kiss few moments ago. Hoseok nodded and followed the girl not finding power in himself to deny her and break her heart. Maybe if he spent more time with her, the feelings would come? Yeah, he definitely needed some more time. That was what the swimmer told himself unaware of the fact that all that time someone else was there to witness the heartbreaking scene of him kissing Mina.


A/N: I'm back!! Exams are finally over, such a bliss. Okay folks get ready for updates, they are on the way!

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