26. Gay Awakening

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At Christmas morning Min Yoongi didn't expect Jung Hoseok's blistering black colored eyes to be the first thing he would see. Soon after waking up he felt like his head would explode from the pain. Yep, he shouldn't had drunk that much previous night.

"Aish, my head." He groaned in a deep morning voice and scrunched his face because of the pain.

Hoseok immediately got up and gave the older water and medicine he had prepared beforehand while Yoongi was still sleeping. "Here, take this. It'll help you."

Yoongi gulped it in one go without questioning the younger. He'd take anything that would cure his hangover. "Thank you, Hoba." He handed the brunette empty glass and fell back on the bed waiting for headache to go. Unlike Hoseok, he didn't remember what happened the previous night right away, so he just lay there unbothered cursing himself for drinking alcohol.

"Hyungie, do you maybe want to... talk about what happened last night?" Hoseok asked shyly biting his inner cheek. The older sent him confused gaze trying to remember what the boy was referring to. The first thing that came up to his mind was picture of Hobi and Mina making out at the party. He frowned at the memory.

"There is nothing to talk about." He said severely. "You can do with your girlfriend whatever the fuck you want to. I don't care."

"Eehm..." The younger looked at him dumbfounded. "I don't know what you mean Yoongi. I told you yesterday that Mina isn't my girlfriend and considering what happened last night, she definitely won't become one in the future."

"Wait, what is this kid talking about?" Yoongi eyed the brunette boy. "Okay, so what happened after I got drunk at the party? Hmm.. Think Min Yoongi! So, I went upstairs and came to Hobi's room? Why would I do that? Nevermind... I fell asleep and oh, right then Hobi opened the door in that sexy black-red outfit. Gosh, this boy is driving me crazy. What happened next? Yeah, we talked. What did I tell him that he changed his mind about Mina? Aish.. I don't remember.. Wait, no no no no no no no no. HOLY CRAP."

Yoongi's eyes widened at realization what he had done. The image of him kissing Hoseok flashed in his mind. The way he hungrily tasted those cherry lips he had been craving for weeks, the way Hoseok tugged his hair to deepen the kiss, the way his own hands roamed all over the younger... He recalled it all and his face became crimson red from the embarrassment. Yoongi buried his head in the pillows and wholeheartedly wished to die. How could he let himself kiss Hobi when he knew the younger was seeing someone else? What was even worse, his first kiss with Hoseok happened when he was fucking drunk!

"Aaaaaaagh!" Yoongi let out frustratingly still hiding his face deep in the pillows. He was mad at himself for ruining everything. What Hoseok might have thought about him? What if he was disgusted? What if he, Yoongi, ruined their friendship for good?

"Hyung, are you okay?" Hoseok carefully touched his shoulder to gain the older's attention.

"Hobi, if we're still friends, let's pretend nothing had happened last night." He mumbled not moving even for inch from his old position.

"What?" Hoseok was disappointed with the request. Usually, he always did what others asked him to do, but not that day. "I don't want to. I'm done pretending."

Yoongi wanted to cry. He didn't know how to face the younger... But wait did he say something about pretending?

"What do you mean?" He finally shot up his head and looked at the brunette. Curiosity took the best of him.

"I always have to pretend like everything is great, like I live unproblematic life not to worry Jiwoo and my friends. I had to pretend that I liked Mina not to hurt her feelings when it wasn't the truth. I pretended that I liked being with Kan Hee when I barely felt anything towards her. I was lying even to myself that I was happy with them but no one made me feel the way you did." Hoseok found it hard to look in Yoongi's eyes so he just sat cross-legged on the bed and looked at his hands nervously playing with blanket.

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