46. Trapped in Thoughts

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Hoseok didn't spend even a second after hearing Namjoon. His legs brought him to Yoongi on their own and indeed, the silver haired boy was awake. Hoseok was so overwhelmed with happiness that he failed to notice that Yoongi wasn't moving. He was just laying on the bed and looking at the ceiling not paying attention to anything in particular. That's why he didn't acknowledge presence of his boyfriend even when Hoseok came closer to him and called his name.

"Yoongi...." No response, the boy didn't even move his gaze from the white ceiling. "Yoongi, please, say something or.... or... look at me, please.... just anything..."Hoseok could already feel tears building up, ready to fall down any moment. Why was Yoongi ignoring him? Was he mad at the brunette? What if he hated Hoseok for not saving him from that monster?

Mrs. Min also approached her son and gently took his hand.  "Yoongi, please look at your mom. I'm right here, with... y-you." Her voice betrayed her by the end of the sentence and it cracked. She couldn't hold back loud sobs when got no reaction from her son.

"I'll call the doctor." They heard from Namjoon who immediately went to find a doctor.

However, Hoseok wasn't giving up. The boy continued talking with his shaky voice in hope to receive at least any kind of response from Yoongi. At least anything!

But it didn't work. Yoongi looked so lifeless, so drained out of energy that it scared Hoseok. For the first time since his parents died, Hobi was afraid of losing someone else. Not just someone but his better half, part of his soul. No, he didn't mean death, Hoseok knew Yoongi wouldn't die. But what if he changed so much that the brunette wouldn't recognize him anymore? Hoseok wasn't sure he would survive without his other half.

Namjoon returned with the doctor couple of minutes later. The man in his late 30s, wearing dark blue scrubs examined Yoongi. He checked patient's eyes with flashlight and observed indicators on a small monitor next to the bed.

"Is everything alright with him, doctor?" Mrs. Min asked the man while he was busy writing down something on a clipboard. She couldn't wait any longer.

"Let's talk outside." He lead three of them out of the room, although Hoseok really didn't understand what was the point if Yoongi ignored everything around him.

"There is nothing to worry about. Your son is alright." The doctor started talking. "The injuries on his back will be easily healed by the ointment that I will prescribe you."

"But what about his state? He doesn't talk to us and stares at one point on the ceiling. What does that mean?" Hoseok asked with obvious worry in his voice.

"That's because of the shock." The doctor replied him calmly. "Everyone reacts differently to traumas both mental and physical. I can assure you that the patient hears you perfectly well and he is also very well aware of what is happening around him. He just prefers not to react to anything. It will take time, but eventually he will open up to you. You just have to be patient and wait for him to be ready to speak up. Meanwhile, you should talk to him as usual. Even though he won't be replying, it will make him feel more comfortable that you still act normal with him. I'll also recommend you to use help of psychologist if Yoongi takes too long to... hm, let's say come back to you."

Hoseok was very grateful for doctor's words. Now that he knew that there was hope, he would be there for Yoongi all the time, until his old self would return. They would fight Yoongi's demons together.

"When can we take him home?" Namjoon asked the doctor.

"Tomorrow morning he can already leave." The man replied with a firm nod. But then he remembered something and turned to Yoongi's mother. "Mrs. Min, detectives are waiting in the lobby for you. They have already talked to me and I gave them medical reports of your son. Now they want to ask you further questions."

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