31. Some Bad Days

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Hoseok tried to swim as fast as never before. His team was currently on the third place and he just had to come faster than his opponents to give Jin a chance to bring them a victory. But something felt different. The usual cheers of his devoted fans couldn't be heard that day.

It was first competition of a season and occurred two weeks later after the new term had began. All this time nothing had changed for boyfriends. The school still acted homophobic as never before. The students tried to make both Hoseok and Yoongi miserable. While the older didn't pay much attention to them, Hoseok was mentally suffering. He always was a social butterfly easily communicating with others and finding happiness in that. However, after that picture was posted on social media everyone became cold-hearted towards the boy.

Thankfully, after shitty days in school two boys found comfort in each other at home. Yoongi saw how that situation affected Hobi and he wanted to be there for him to help him get through all of that. Hoseok sometimes quietly cried in Yoongi's embrace not understanding why everyone acted like he became different person because of his sexuality. Seeing his precious boyfriend cry hurt Yoongi like nothing else. He hated the fact that he couldn't fight every moron that made Hoseok feel so terrible.

As the first swimming tournament was approaching, Hoseok decided to focus on the training. He hoped that maybe when others saw him winning the competition with his teammates, they would realize that he still was the same guy who they supported all those years. Hoseok was determined to win not only the first place but everyone's hearts back as well.

But when two hours earlier before the tournament he found out that the coach was asked to replace him, his fragile heart shattered into small pieces. The coach was smart enough not to listen to those stupid students and not replace his best sportsman so he didn't even consider that request. However, mere existence of such idea was enough to destroy Hoseok's confidence.

During the competition he didn't see any posters with his name. The crowd wasn't chanting his name anymore. It made Hoseok to want to lock himself somewhere and cry his heart out. But he couldn't. His team needed him and he had to be there for them.

The school cheered for Yeonjun and Beomgyu like always, but when it was Hoseok's turn, the amount of cheering halved. He really tried not to pay attention to it but he just couldn't. Every time he went up on the surface of water he heard how the supporters of other contestants chanted their names. He badly wanted to focus on his aim and come back faster than others but he again failed in that too. He returned second. That was the moment he knew that he had fucked up. Jin really did his best, but that didn't help them. They lost the competition. More precisely, they took second place but that was the loss for them. Hoseok had never been more disappointed in himself.

The brunette boy was in rage. How could he let those stupid homophobic teenagers get in his head? How could he be so weak? Why he couldn't be strong like Yoongi and be indifferent to other's opinion?

Hoseok stormed out of the school not waiting for anyone. He didn't want to talk to his teammates or coach or his real friends that came to see the competition. He didn't want to see anyone at that moment. That was why he drove away home without his boyfriend, hoping Yoongi would figure out how to return on his own. Hoseok just needed to be alone at least for some time.

When Yoongi saw Jin, Yeonjun and Beomgyu leaving the school his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Hey, Jin!" He called out the older.

"Hi, Yoongi."

"Where is Hobi? Why he isn't with you?" The silver haired boy felt more and more nervous with every passing second.

"He left some time ago. He was very upset and didn't really want to talk to us." Jin said sadly and other two boys also nodded confirming his words.

"Alright, thanks." Yoongi didn't wait for anything else as he headed directly to the mansion.

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