30. New Beginnings, New Troubles

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Not a single soul was happy with the beginning of new term. Hoseok and Yoongi got used to spending all the time together during holidays so none of them wanted their happiness bubble to pop. But they had to return to their daily routines.

On the first day of school Hoseok was whining all the time asking his hyung to skip classes.

"Let's stay home just today, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease." He wouldn't let Yoongi to have breakfast in peace.

"No. Our principal is waiting for me to make mistake so he gets rid of me. I'll not give him that pleasure." He stood up and put the empty bowl in the sink. "Besides you're my ride, so move your pretty ass before we're late."

"Oooh, you think my ass is pretty?" Hoseok asked grinning forgetting about his desire to skip the school.

"Is that the only thing that you heard?" The older questioned him going to the large vestibule and putting his jacket on.

"Yeah it was like: blah blah blah your pretty ass blah blah blah."

Yoongi shook his head annoyed but secretly smiled at his boyfriend's cuteness when Hoseok wasn't looking at him.

"Hurry up, baby boy." Yoongi threw before leaving.

The younger quickly put on his coat and followed his boyfriend but not before checking his butt in the mirror. He liked what he saw.

Car ride was loud as always. Hoseok put on his favorite k-pop songs and was wholeheartedly singing. He tried to force Yoongi to sing with him but got stern no. The younger, who intended to win at least one argument against his grumpy boyfriend, threatened not to kiss him for a week if he doesn't comply. So after a second they both were happily singing along (out of tune) IU's song.

One thought of a school already made Yoongi annoyed but when he arrived there and saw majority of students glaring at him and throwing weird looks at his direction, his mood worsened. He and Hoseok separated at the entrance as the younger had biology, while Yoongi history class. On his way to the locker, the girls would start whispering as he passed by, some looked with pity at him, others with rage. The boy badly wanted to ask them what the hell was their problem but he really didn't want to engage in stupid high school drama.

Unfortunately, the stupid high school drama wanted to engage with him so a moment later when he opened his locker to put few books in there, someone forcefully slammed it and Yoongi was met with angry eyes burning holes in his skull.

"What the fu-"

"Is it truth?" The girl, one head shorter than Yoongi, asked him with the voice indicating she was on the edge of hysteria.

"I don't know what are you talking about." The silver haired boy said as calmly as possible when every part of his body wanted just to slap that rude bitch.

"This." She shoved a phone in Yoongi's face pointing at the picture. The boy couldn't believe his eyes, on the photo were he and Hoseok that exact night when he asked the younger to become his boyfriend. Someone had taken picture of them kissing afterwards. "This aren't you right? Tell me that you aren't a faggot kissing Jung Hoseok."

"Listen here you bitch," He scoffed losing the temper. "You call he or my boyfriend that disgusting word one more time and I will not be so nice anymore. You haven't seen my bad side and I suggest you not to."

"B-boyfriend?" The girl's eyes became glassy. "B-but, no! You aren't gay, you don't look... gay."

"What the fuck do you expect? Me walking with rainbows above my head, huh?" Yoongi rolled his eyes done with that annoying girl. He didn't even know who she was so why did she care about his business? Just when he was about to walk away she grabbed his wrist.

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