28. Boyfriends

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"Seriously? Snow tubing?" Seokjin grimaced once Hoseok finished telling him about his date. The boys were in the latter's bedroom. In few hours would start New Year and those two alongside with Yoongi's band were going to meet it together at Seoul City Hall Square, however there still was left some time before that. So Hoseok and Seokjin were gossiping in the younger's room to kill time. "I thought it would be something more... romantic?!"

"What are you saying?" Hobi exclaimed angrily. "It was amazing. Don't you dare to degrade my first date with Yoongi."

Jin rolled his eyes. "Did you guys do at least anything different from what you did when you were "just friends"? The boy held quotation marks up around last two words.

In fact, they didn't do anything extraordinary or couply but it still felt a bit different. In the past Hoseok believed his love to Yoongi was platonic but that day, whenever the older boy smiled at him, held his hand or came too close to him, his heart skipped a beat and his tummy would be filled with dancing butterflies. From that day on, in the presence of Yoongi he often blushed like a teenager girl in front of her crush. Hoseok started paying attention to how sexy in reality was Min Yoongi. His enthralling cat-like eyes could easily captivate the boy, his button nose was so perfect that Hobi frequently wanted to peck it. While his lips... Oh the brunette had been shamelessly staring at Yoongi's inviting pink lips craving to taste them again. They haven't shared a kiss since that very night when Yoongi admitted his feelings for the younger and Hoseok, in all honesty, was becoming impatient. But unfortunately, he was too shy to admit that to the older.

"We have never been in a restaurant as friends." Hoseok answered his hyung's question.

"And thank God that you haven't. Poor boy nearly died." Jin stated and the younger started regretting telling him everything in details.

"That was an accident! You're saying like I wanted it to happen. So you know, I almost got heart attack at the thought that something might have happened to him." The boy said with wobbling lip shrugging off unwanted memories of suffocated Yoongi all covered with allergy rush. He was still surprised how the silver haired managed to recover so quickly and even continue their date not to end it as a failure. All that thank to Min Young. Hoseok had never admired her as much before. When he told Jiwoo about how Min Young saved Yoongi's life, his sister called the manager herself to thanked her for it. Hobi insisted on raising her salary and Jiwoo promised to think about it once she's back.

"Did you guys kiss afterwards?" Jin asked Hoseok wiggling his eyebrows and mischievously grinning.

"No..." The younger replied sadly.

"Did you have sex?"

"What?! Of course not!" Hoseok freaked out and became red in a matter of seconds. "I just told you that we didn't even kiss, how do you imagine us having sex?"

"Well, I mean if it was rough you might not want to spent time on kisses." The older commented calmly. Hoseok couldn't understand how Jin talked about such stuff so freely when he was dying from embarrassment.

"Okay hyung, enough. Tell me about you and Namjoon instead, how are you two doing?" He attempted to change the topic and thought that succeeded once saw Jin's sparkling eyes at the mention of his boyfriend, but Jin being the brat he was wanted to tease the younger a bit more.

"Aw Hobi, he's just great especially in bed. I wish you knew what stuff he does there. So kinky and I'm so into it..."

"Aaaah!" Horror on Hoseok's face was indescribable. He instantly covered his ears not to hear the rest. "Jin stop it. Stop it right now! It isn't funny."

Jin couldn't hold back his windshield wiper laugh. Nevertheless, he continued teasing the younger. "Why Hobi? You're in your first relationship with the boy, don't you want hyung to teach you a thing or two? It'll be useful once you stop playing around and decide to fuck."

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