21. No Regrets

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Yoongi couldn't get out of his head Hoseok, no matter how hard he tried. The fact that they lived together didn't help at all. The next day during the breakfast, the younger caught him staring and asked if everything was fine.

"No, I'm not freaking fine, I want to taste those cherry lips of yours, shower you with love and make mine..." Yoongi couldn't stop fantasizing about the brunette's kissable lips but of course didn't tell him anything about it. Instead, he just told him that was alright and continued eating his cereal glancing at the beautiful boy in front of him from time to time.

That day lessons finished faster than usual, because Yoongi barely paid attention to anything else but his thoughts about Hoseok. He wondered if the younger felt anything similar to him or he just saw Yoongi as his hyung and nothing more. Completely occupied by those thoughts the silver haired didn't even notice how his detention time was over and he was free to go. He headed to the house where he hadn't been for a while. After knocking few times, the boy with fluffy black hair and boxy smile opened it.

"Finally, I thought you died in there." Yoongi said with his usual dissatisfied tone and went in without invitation.

"Sorry hyung, I was upstairs getting ready to go at agency." Taehyung closed the door and lead his friend in the living room where Yoongi sat on the couch not wasting any time. "So, Yoongi what did you want to discuss? Is it about me missing some rehearsals? I know I should come more often but I'm so busy as a trainee and I try my best to be at both places as much as possible, it's so-"

"Hey Tae, relax." Yoongi stopped the anxious boy. "I know that you're doing your best. You need to focus on training, okay? It's fine, really. We all want you to succeed."

Yoongi's words took a weight off Taehyung's shoulders. Lately the boy had been struggling to attend band's rehearsals and he felt bad because of it. Taehyung had the feeling like he was ditching his friends, but they wholeheartedly supported him and rooted for their member. It melted the younger's heart.

"Okay, then why are you here?"

Yoongi suddenly felt shy and nervously started playing with his bracelet. After gathering the courage, he admitted what he came for. "Actually, I wanted you to tell me how you realized that you loved Jimin. Like how you guys started dating and stuff.."

Taehyung couldn't hide his surprised face expression. His eyebrows shot up and he sent questioning look at the older, but decided not to comment on the request. Yes, he found it a bit odd because Yoongi-hyung barely got interested by anyone's personal life but since he asked, he must have good reason for that. Taehyung decided to find it out later and meanwhile tell the older what he wanted to hear.

"So, you probably know that me and Jimin knew each other long before we started dating. He was my best friend ever since we were five. We literally grew up together, were here for each other all the time, in the worst and the best periods of life, we always were by one another's side. When Jimin was 14, he came out as a gay, while I had no idea about my sexuality. I was sure that I was straight and even dated girls." The boy shuggled at the memory. "But no matter if I had a girlfriend or not, no one was more important than Jimin to me. He was always my number one priority. I could leave a girl during sex if Jimin texted that he needed me."

*cough* "Whipped" *cough*

Yoongi teased the younger.

"Hey, hyung!" Taehyung whined awkwardly smiling. He got embarrassed by Yoongi's comment. "Don't make fun of me..."

"Alright, alright," He lifted up hands showing the younger that he would stop. "I'm just spilling facts dude. Anyway, carry on champ." Yoongi motioned him to continue.

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