19. The Darkness Within

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By the end of November the swim team had second competition of the first sports season. Yoongi, as a supportive friend he was, obviously attended medley relay and cheered for their school team. Namjoon didn't miss the tournament as well but after Yoongi found out that the younger was a fan of swimming it didn't surprise him anymore. However, none of them expected Jimin to join the boys.

Ever since Taehyung became the trainee, he barely could find any free time to spend it with his boyfriend. Deep down Jimin was upset that he saw Tae only in school, but he knew how much that dream meant for his better half, so he kept quiet. The previous day he accidentally heard Yoongi and Namjoon talking about the swimming competition and decided to go as well, since he had nothing better to do.

That's how three boys ended up attentively watching how four teams were competing for the victory. Not surprisingly, their school won again. Yoongi couldn't describe by words how proud he was watching his soulmate kicking everyone's ass out there. Hoseok indeed was very talented swimmer. Other members obviously contributed to their success as well, but no one could convince Yoongi that Hobi wasn't MVP.

As the athletes went to change into dry clothes, the pool slowly emptied. The band members alongside with Jimin went outside to wait for boys there.

"...And then when Beomgyu was returning I thought we were screwed up as he was the third, but then Hobi jumped in the water at the speed of light and waaaah... He was so fast. And later when Jin was about to finish and that one guy really speeded up nearly catching on him, I thought my heart would burst..." Jimin couldn't stop chattering about the relay. He talked about it with so much passion and excitement as if they didn't attend it few minutes ago.

Yoongi found overexcited blonde boy adorable. He was glad to see Jimin carried away by something else other than thoughts about Taehyung. Yoongi noticed multiple times how Jimin's mood would drop for a split of seconds whenever Tae told them that he was going to miss the rehearsal after the school. But the shorter boy never showed that to his boyfriend, instead he always smiled at Taehyung and wished him good luck in agency.

"..woah, it was so much fun hyungs!" Jimin exclaimed in conclusion and looked at others with sparkling doe eyes.

"I'm glad that you came and cleared your head." Yoongi lovingly ruffled his golden locks. He recently noticed that grew a bond towards the petite boy. In order not to feel lonely Jimin stuck up with the members most of the time, he also started hanging out with Hobi (and respectively with Yoongi, who was majority of time by the brunette's side) again.

"I'm hungry." Namjoon whined after couple of minutes, changing the subject. "I haven't eaten anything today. I can't take this anymore, I'll go find something to eat."

"I'll come with you." Jimin momentarily suggested and joyfully trailed behind the older. Yoongi stayed waiting for Hobi and others to come out of the locker room. Two other teams had already left so there were left only their school team and Hanseong's, that was a real pain in the ass. Yoongi even got a little bit nervous hoping they didn't start fighting after the competition. Everyone knew those two teams were at loggerheads and they shouldn't be left alone.

Fortunately, few moments later their opponents came out but for someone who got second place they looked too happy. Their captain, Seonghwa was widely grinning while telling something funny to his friends. Yoongi couldn't help curiosity and eavesdropped their conversation when they came closer to him.

"Yeah, I'm telling you he's such a little bitch." Seonghwa was saying. "I mean if I was a heir of Jung Corporation I wouldn't at least embarrass myself.."

Yoongi's blood boiled as he heard "Jung Corporation". Of course that moron would talk shit about Hobi just because he was much better swimmer. The silver haired boy tried not to pay attention to those envious losers, but then one of them said something that made him lose control.

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