20. Acceptance

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The next few weeks Yoongi tried to keep a low profile at school. Every single day after classes he had detention until 6 pm. Yes, it was annoying for the boy to lose so much time but to be productive, he usually made homework while was stuck at school. Moreover, he didn't dare to complain as Jiwoo literally saved him from getting expelled. After the accident with Seonghwa, the silver haired boy explained to Hoseok's sister what happened and surprisingly she smiled at him and said that would have done the same if heard someone insulting her baby brother. But after Hobi's exclamation that violence was never the solution, she asked Yoongi to stay away from problems at school. So he did.

Sunday became Yoongi's favorite day of the week because he was free to spend it with Hoseok. At one of those days Jimin showed up at the mansion as usual. He started visiting boys more and more often lately. Hoseok, of course was very happy to see the younger while Yoongi usually droned on for couple of minutes about uninvited guest.

"Don't pay attention to this grumpy cat." Hoseok hugged the blonde boy. "I know he's glad to see you as well."

Yoongi didn't say anything just rolled his eyes, however, deep down he really didn't mind spending some time with Jimin. The older got already used to having him around and it didn't bother him anymore as in the beginning.

"You can't blame me for barging in, Yoongi-hyung." Jimin said with cute pout on his plump lips. "Hobi told me you were gonna see Black Widow. I can't miss opportunity to watch queen Scarlett Johansson for two hours straight."

Well, that was valid reason. Yoongi himself wouldn't miss movie with Scarlett Johansson.

"Are you hungry Jimin? We can order some food and eat before watching the movie." Hobi suggested to his friend.

"N-no. It's fine." Jimin got nervous out of the blue as the food was mentioned. Yoongi didn't fail to notice how the younger stuttered and got flustered from such a simple question. Yoongi didn't pay attention to it before but now he could clearly see that Jimin looked skinnier, his usually chubby cheeks were slimmer.

"Jimin are you okay?" Yoongi took a step closer to the shorter boy and carefully checked up on him one more time. Yes, the boy indeed looked different as if he had been starving himself lately.

"Of course hyung." He faked the smile and in order to avoid Yoongi's meticulous gaze, turned to Hoseok. "Let's make some popcorn before we start, Hobi."

"Okay, Jiminie." The brunette instantly agreed. As they were about to go to kitchen, the door bell rang catching the boys in surprise.

"Are you guys waiting for someone?" Jimin asked to what Yoongi shook his head saying no. Meanwhile Hoseok went to open the door and saw beautiful smiling girl in front of him.

"Mina?" He recognized her right away. "Oh gosh, I completely forgot you were going to come today. Please, come in." Hoseok politely invited her inside.

"It's okay Hobi, I just stopped by for a minute to give you these." She took out of her bag a book with few notebooks and handed them to Hoseok.

Yoongi and Jimin just stood there and watched the two interact with each other. Yoongi had never seen that girl before otherwise he would have remembered because she was really beautiful, had long slim legs, small waist, shiny chesturn brown hair falling on her shoulders, big doe amber eyes and soft face features.

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