44. In Despair

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Yoongi was sitting in the old black car nervously folding his fingers and fighting back the tears. For the first time in months he was scared. No... the boy was terrified. The thought that he might not survive that day had crossed his mind multiple times and he didn't know what to do with it. The boy didn't spare a glance at the driver's direction but he could feel his dark eyes burning holes in his skull. And that silence in the car was just strengthening his anxiety.

You might ask how did he got in such situation. Well...

30 minutes earlier

The day started as usual. After having breakfast Hoseok and Yoongi drove to school and separated at the entrance because of their different schedules. Lately the couple had become even more close than before. They tried to live in the moment and enjoy every second that they could spend together. Their bond was strong as never before.

Once in a lifetime Yoongi could say that everything was going good. Even too good, actually. Just in few months he found his home and better half in one person who made his life beautiful. For all 18 years of his life Yoongi had never been happier.

He almost forgot about his father who just wanted to make his life miserable. Key word: almost. As Yoongi was about to go to his first lesson, he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder and a hoarse voice that he wished to never hear for his entire life ever again.

"Morning, son." Yoongi's father said with a fake smile on his face. He always did that. Pretended to be adequate and harmless person on public, even acted as a father figure, but once they went home he'd beat up his son so badly that the boy might not be able to walk for days. Yoongi didn't miss that at all, the boy gulped and slowly looked up at his father. He couldn't control his body that started trembling out of pure horror.

"F-father. W-what are you d-doing here?" He barely managed to form the sentence. He really hated it with all his heart how weak he was in front of that man that made his childhood living hell.

"I got a call from your principal asking me to come as soon as possible." A cold shiver run through Yoongi's body at the mention of Mr. Yang. That man was bad news, always. "Can you guess the reason why he made me come here, huh? Can you?"

His grip on Yoongi's shoulder tightened and now the boy felt pain but he tried his best not to show it. He shook his head saying he didn't know the reason, however, part of him already guessed what was it.

"Well, I'll tell you then, my son." He squeezed his shoulder so hard that Yoongi's face scrunched but when the boy tried to free himself from his father's iron grip, he failed. "I drove to your school all the way just to find out that my son is a fucking faggot that shamelessly does his filthy deeds in public."

If not Mr. Min's death grip, Yoongi would have seriously run away. He knew by the man's tone that he was extremely pissed off and that never meant anything good for Yoongi.

"I-I can... I'm..." He didn't even know what he wanted to say or what could possibly save him.

"You're coming with me. We'll talk at home about this."

No, no, no, no, no. Yoongi couldn't go with him. He perfectly knew what that 'talk' meant.

"I can't... I won't come with you." He finally freed himself and took few steps away from the man that looked at him with wide eyes for disobeying.

"Either you come with me on your own free will or I'll drag you to the car in front of everyone." The man said sternly and Yoongi knew he would really do that. He was capable of doing it. If he doesn't listen to his father and the man really uses force against him, he will be doomed. That will anger him even more and he might even end up killing the boy. No, Yoongi didn't need that. He wanted to live.

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