Peter's Mother

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Peter Parker was a 15 year old super hero known as Spider-Man, he lived at the Avengers Tower for the safety of both his aunt and himself. You are a 21 year old woman who is known as Mother Nature. You have taken on the parent role for the young hero for the last year.

Yn: Come on Petey, you have to get ready for school.

Peter: nooo, five more minutes.

Yn: nope up now if I do not see you down in the kitchen dressed and bag packed in 10 minutes good luck to you.

This scared Peter. He did not want you to be mad at him; he loved you like a mother and never wanted to disappoint you. Little did he know that you could never be disappointed in him.

10 minutes later he was down at the kitchen eating breakfast.

Yn: good to see you up. Now have you got everything for school. All your homework and books?

Peter: Yes. I have done all my homework and got all my books.

Yn: ok so here is your lunch. See you when you get back.

Peter: Bye Yn.

Peter had a horrible day at school. Flash decided to Pick on Peter the most today. Not getting physical but saying things about him being an orphan and how no one loved him. This hit Peter hard as he was only thinking about you. He loved you and was scared that you did not love him back.

Peter got back to the tower and walked in FRIDAY, told you that Peter was home. You were sitting on the couch next to the elevator. When it rang you expected to see the bright bubbly little kid who left that morning but instead you saw a sad kid who resembled Peter.

You immediately ran up to him and engulfed him in a loving hug as soon as he put his bag down. He started to just cry into your shoulder and fall to the ground dragging you as well.

Yn: hey Petey what happened?

Peter: Flash kept picking on me today and saying that I was an orphan because no one loved me.

Yn: oh, honey no. Everyone in this tower loves you. Even the miserable God of Mischief.

Peter: really?

Yn: Yes of course. How could no one love you? You have one of the kindest and most gentle soul in the world. And anyone who says otherwise is just jealous that they can not be like you.

Peter looked up at you through tears and gave you a small smile.

Yn: Now let's go and bake some cookies. They always seem to do the trick.

With that you dragged Peter to the kitchen and started making cookies and blasting music through the speakers. By the time you were done. Peter was back to the Peter, you loved the bright bubbly kid who had a heart made of gold and a smile made from sunshine.

Yn: why don't you go and clean up and do your homework and I will call you when dinner is ready.

Peter: ok.

With that he was gone to do his homework. You cleaned up from your baking and started making Peter his favourite dinner. You had gathered everyone for dinner and told them about Peter's day and to be nice.


You yelled.

And 10 seconds later you heard the sound of his footsteps coming down the hall. His eyes widened when he saw the whole team at the dinner table.

Peter: What are you all doing here?

Tony: having dinner with our little avenger and his family.

Marvel Oneshots  2022 (complete)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora