Hela's Secret Child

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You had joined the avengers while Thor and Loki were off in asgard. You could control the elements. You were Hela's secret daughter that only Loki and Thor knew about. You were getting along with the avengers very well. Until..

You were sitting in the compound reading your book. Then you heard a ripple of Thunder and saw a flash of colours. You knew that sound too well. It was your uncles.

You did not move, you had to pretend you did not know them. When the team walked in with them they went wide eyed you pointed to your head. It was your secret signal to Loki for him to read your mind. And he did.

In your mind

Yn: they don't know that I know you or related to you. And I would kinda like it to keep it that way, they will treat me differently if they know that I am the daughter of a villain.

Loki: ok.


Loki turned to Thor and whispered to him he looked at you and nodded.

Tony: yn this is Loki and Thor.

Yn: Hello, pleasure to meet you. Would you care to accompany me on a walk to get to know you?

They both nodded and you were off.

Once out of ears reach of the avengers you stopped walking.

Yn: good to see you uncles.

Loki and thor: good to see you too.

Thor: why did you not want them to know that you knew us, we are your uncles.

Yn: they know mother as a killer and a villain which is not wrong she is, but I have got such a good connection with them I would never like to ruin that.

Thor: Ok, that is fair enough, and we will acknowledge your decision.

Loki: as you wish blossom.

Yn: thank you, now I believe it is time for dinner, coming?

Thor: race you peanut.

Yn: oh it is on.

With that you, Thor and Loki all race to the living room.

You all go in laughing

Nat: well someone has made quick friends

Tony: I am impressed that you made depressed reindeer games to laugh. He always just mops around.

Yn: well I guess there was just a connection.

After 2 months of Loki and Thor being back and you having to pretend that you are not related to them is starting to become annoying.

You are all outside for a training session when the Bifrost opens up and Hela walks out.

Hela: oh brothers how good to see you again

Loki: What do you want?

Hela: Well, I would like her back.

Tony: who?

Hela: my daughter

She spots you

Hela: oh how much you have grown, lets go

Everyone is looking confused

Yn: NO.

Everyone hands turn to you

Hela: NO?

Yn: I am not coming with you are a monster and you know it, you tried to kill both your brothers who also happen to be my Uncles and you have tried to kill me about 70 times so No, I am not coming with you.

Steve: hold on yn, Hela is your mother, Loki and Thor are your uncles and you did not tell us?

Yn: more about that later

Loki: You tried to kill your daughter and our niece.

Hela: more or less, after all I am the Goddess of Death

Yn: ok that is it.

No one has seen you use all of your powers before. You make her fly with the wind, set the wind on fire (idk) and burn her to a pulp. You make it rain so that her ashes get buried in the ground and then spawn a tree out of them.

Tony: did you just kill your own mother?

Yn: yeah, but I do not recognize her as my mother. She was a horrible person who did nothing but evil.

Thor: She tried to kill you? Are you ok, peanut?

Yn: yeah, better now.


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