Feild trip

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This means in russian

My name is Florence Lewis and I am 16. I go to school at Midtown normal. Besides the fact that I have a secret. See I have always gone to Midtown and my BFF is Mj. She rocks. She knows everything. When my grandmother passed away, my only blood relative died. I was terrified about being put into a home as I have super powers. I can control the elements and have a 6 sense oh and I also have super strength. So now my mum and dad are Natasha aka Black Widow and Steve aka Captain America (they are married), I live there obviously, and Mj visits all the time. She is the only one who knows about this and everyone still thinks that my grandmother is alive. So my real name is Florence Rogers


I walk into my Chem class and sit next to Mj.

"Hey Mj" " oh, hey flow ready to find out where our tour is tomorrow?" " yeah. I mean I am a little sad that I won't see mum and dad come home as normal but that is ok."

Our teacher, Mr Smith walked in. " OK class I am happy to announce that the field trip is to the one the only. .... AVENGERS TOWER!!!"

Everyone started to whisper and scream out of excitement. " Now we get to know that loser Lewis is lying about her internship at the tower." Liz says and high fives Flash. They are the school bullies. But they pick on me because they think that I am faking the Internship, which I am not Uncle Tony gave me a full time internship and I also live there. " Whatever," I responded.

Day of trip.

I woke up and knew that this was not going to end well.

We were on the bus. I was starting to freak out. When we arrived we got to the lobby and were told to wait there until we got our tour guide. " Hello everyone my name is Mindy and I will be taking this tour today." She gave out our badges and then came to me and Mj" Flo, what are you doing here aren't you and Mj meant to be at school?" " hey Mindy ugh we are at school we are on the tour." " oh, well you have your passes don't you?" She asked " "always" Mj replied.

We walked up to the scans. " Ok everyone you have got a level 1 pass which is for tours. There are 10 levels. 1 is tours 2-4 interns 5-7 scientists 8-9 are government officials and 10 is for the avengers. " She explained everyone walked through, no one questioned Mj when she got a greeting from FRIDAY. And had a level 4 badge. No but when I came to me everyone was watching.

I went to the scan and placed my badge on the scanner. " FLORENCE LEWIS LEVEL 10 CLEARANCE. SHOULD I TELL THE OTHERS YOU ARE HERE?" FRIDAY asked. "No fri just here on a school trip so all good." I responded. Everyone is staring at me. "Loser Lewis hacked the system." She yelled out and everyone laughed. Mindy gave me a look and I just shook my head. She began the tour.

I tuned her out as I knew more than she did. We were half way through the tour when we went to the Labs and not just any lab but the one that I TOOK CARE OF. (Yes, I am incharge of a lab. 4.0 gpa everyone.) We walked through and there were 10 of the interns that I was in charge of. Once we got in, the interns looked around and spotted me and gave a sigh of relief. Missy walked up to me. "Dr Ro-Lewis (she corrected herself when she saw my face and the class behind me), can you help us? We have been stuck on this formula for 3 hours and need your eyes to help us." The class looked at me wide eyed. I glanced at Mr Smith and he did not know what to do so just nodded. " Sure Lucy, what is it?" I asked while looking at the formula. " ahh. Ok so everyone (interns) come here. So what has happened is that you have just put in a - instead of + and that < sign needs to be a >. Otherwise you should be good to go." I state " of course thanks Doc, if you weren't here we would have been here for another 5 hours." Lucy laughed and then left with the rest. I turn around and see Mj with a smirk on her face and the rest of the class with an open mouth. "As you were saying Mindy." I say and continue the tour.

We were now up for lunch. " Ok everyone, you have 1 hour for lunch then we will finish the tour." Mindy says and we all go into the mess hall. We finished lunch but I wish we had not. The last stop on the tour was the training room.

We walked in and saw everyone training. When I saw them I was shocked, frozen then Mj tapped me on the shoulder. I unfroze and hid behind Mj. Then I came out after Liz made some smartass comment. I kept my head down. But my 6th sense went off the radar. I put my hand up in front of me and caught Clint's arrow. " haha pay up Scott, i told you she would catch it." Clint boasted. Everyone in my class was shocked that my face became a bright red colour. "WHAT THE FU(K!! LEWIS? HOW DID YOU GET THEM TO DO THAT??" Liz yelled. Then I heard a loud "LANGUAGE!" from behind us. I knew that voice anywhere it was dad. As they walked in I hid behind Mj. Everyone froze when they saw THE Black widow and THE captain america walk through the training doors below the observation deck that they where on. Mj moved and now I was in full view. "hey honey how are you? Also WE HAVE BEEN ON A 2 WEEK MISSION AND YOU DONT COME AND SAY HI." Mum said leaving everyone questioning besides Dad and I. "Yeah sweety we missed your welcome." Dad said. "Sorry Mum and Dad but I am on a school trip and missed not seeing you but this was a mandatory field trip. " I responded. They both give me their sweet smile that I found out yesterday was only seen when they did it to me and they nodded.

My class just stood there questioning what was going on. The Lis made the best idea to point it out in a mean way. "Loser Lewis, you know them? Or did you just sleep with someone to make them say that?" She said with a smirk. I heard Mj laugh. " If only you knew" I heard her whisper. With this all the avengers were heads up and glaring at Liz. "calm down guys we can not KILL anyone ok." I say. " NO YN, THIS KID IS BOTHERING YOU I WILL NOT ALLOW MY BABY SPIDER TO BE HURT AND KID IF YOU EVER SPEAK TO MY CHILD LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU ARE IN FOR IT!!" Mum yelled. I glanced over at Dad who looked like he was getting ready to attack.

"OK ENOUGH." I yell. All the attention draws to me from both my class and my family. "Mum you were speaking Russian when you were just yelling so cool no one understood what you were saying besides me and Dad.Dad stop giving her the mix glar of both disappointment and murdering at the same time please. To everyone else please calm down. Remember no killing Minors." " fine but can I think about it?" Mum answered. " yes but no actions." "Fine, oh and we are now having a very long talk this evening." Dad spoke. I looked around and noticed that all the Avengers were either glaring at me or at Liz.

" Wait, did you just call Miss Romanoff mum? And Mr Roger's dad?" Asked flash? Before I could say anything mum spoke up. "First of all it is Mrs Rogers thank you very much and second yes she did because she is our daughter." "Yeah right." Liz remarked "how did you do it? Just some poor kid with a grandma in a tiny little apartment, how did you pull this off?" Liz insisted. I just stood there with tears in my eyes at the mention of grandma. It had only been 3 months. "Ok everybody, that is the end of the tour. Get out. Yn stay, oh hey Mj you can stay too if you would like." Uncle Tony said. Mj just nodded " oh and kid try and go near my niece again I dare you." He chimed. They all left.

"That went well" I said to Mj sarcastically she just laughed.


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