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(NOT A RELATIONSHIP Peter is 16 and Bucky is like 106) 

Peter Parker was the one and only Spiderman, but he had a secret. From the age 4-15 he was in HYDRA known as the death-spider. He was able to make any murder look like an accident. When he was 15 he escaped HYDRA. He was great friends with Bucky when he was in HYDRA. They have not seen each other since, yet.

It was a warm summer's day in NYC. Peter had been living in the Avengers tower for the last year. After he got out of HYDRA, they found him as SpiderMan, they do not know about HYDRA. He finished his training for the morning and came up to breakfast. He found his dysfunctional family sitting at the table eating their breakfast. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed his bacon and eggs and joined at the table.

Nat: morning Pete

Peter: morning.

Steve: So I was just letting everyone know that I have a friend who will be joining us today. He will arrive in about 30 minutes.

Peter: ok, I am going to get changed and then meet you where?

Steve: We are all meeting in the lounge room in 30.

Peter: Ok, see you later.

Peter walked up to his room and got dressed and changed into some comfy clothes. Some grey sweatpants and a decathlon jumper. Then he walked back to the lounge room. Not prepared for who was about to walk through the doors.

Steve walked in.

Steve: Hey guys, meet bucky.

Peter's head picked up. Was this the same bucky he spent all his childhood with?

The doors opened again and in came the man who had taken care of him for 11 years. His eyes widened. And everyone seemed to notice.

Tony: Are you alright Peter?

Peter: Yeah, I am more than alright.

This caught Bucky's attention. Peter was the name of the kid he looked after for 11 years. He looked and saw him, his kid. He also went wide-eyed.

Steve: Buck, are you ok?

Bucky: Peter?

Peter: yeah. Omg.

With that he ran up and hugged the older assassin. They both silently cried and hung onto each other.

Bucky: I have missed you so much son

Peter: I missed you too papa.

Everyone was shocked to say the least at the interaction but were also confused on the kid speaking a different language.

Nat: Are we missing something?

Peter: Yeah, until a year ago, I was stuck in HYDRA. Bucky took me under his wing for 11 years. He is pretty much my dad.

Steve: OMG, we are so sorry Pete. but you are safe now.

Peter: yeah and it just got better.

He said looking up to his father and smiled.


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