School assassin

830 19 17

(this has been one of my faves to write and re-read over and over, hope you like it as well and let me know your thoughts

You were a highly trained assassin. You have been on the run for a few months and now go to Midtown and are in the same class as Peter but do not talk to him. You know who he is and are too scared to talk to him as he could get you sent to the raft. So you acted like the nerdy kid but loved PE. it was defence day and you loved it, half way through it the team came in and were petrified that they wanted you.

But they came to teach the class and do one on one training and demos. This scared you even more. You never got a mask when you were an assassin and you knew that SHIELD would have your face. What will happen?


It has been 4 months since you escaped. After fleeing to another country after you were trained for 15 years to be an assassin by the one and only HYDRA. You had escaped to Queens, you had been there several times for missions so you knew your way around. You applied for Midtown Science High School.

You have now been there for 2 months. You had to keep a cover so you kept a nerdy persona but never backed away from sport. It was defence week at Midtown. You were ecstatic as you could finally do something you are trained in. You were a very untrustworthy individual so you were always against rules and brought both a knife/sword and gun to school.

You sat aimlessly doodling in your Maths book waiting for the bell to go, you had PDHPE next and were so excited to go and have a proper work out. The bell rang throughout the whole school signalling the next period. You packed up in a hurry which you have become accustomed to, and dashed to PDHPE.

Teacher: Alright everyone, warm up. I don't really care but we are doing something in the second half of the lesson.

You went over to the mats and started to get ready for your normal warm up. 50 sit ups, 50 pushups, 50 squats, 4 rounds then over the punching bag and do some of that until half time.

Teacher: Alright everyone. We have some special guests here to teach you some self defence.

The Avengers came in.

Your eyes widen.

While everyone was fangirling over THE AVENGERS you hid at the back. You were never given a mask while at HYDRA and had to fight some of them before. You grabbed your bag and slipped over to the teacher.

Yn: Excuse me, i go to the bathroom?

Teacher: Whatever.

You dash out of the room and quickly change your makeup, hair colour, you know quick drying dye (spy essentials) and changed clothes. You looked very different so hoped you would not be recognised but kept your weapons on you.

You went back to the class and saw them all struggling with their punches. You let out a light nose exhale and shake your head. As you put your stuff back, you feel someone's eyes on you. Being you and your history you wait a minute and side eye and can tell that it is an avenger. Intense gaze, query. You turn around and give a slight death glare and an innocent smile. The person goes back to what they are doing.

You walk over to the crowd as you hear the golden boy call everyone over.

Steve: Alright we are going to go and do some partner training then we will select the best to fight one of us.

Everyone cheered and got into pairs.

You went over to the boxing bag. Not wanting to, you know, kill someone you opted to go alone.

Natasha walks over to you.

Nat: You know you are meant to be with a human.

Yn: well I do this outside of school and could take all of them down so I will stick with inanimate objects thanks.

You sas back

Nat: well if you are so good then take me on?

You smirk,

Yn: alright, you're on.

Nat leads you to the mats they have set up. Overly fluffy and alot of spring. You laugh in your head.

Steve: Nat what are you doing we have not checked if it is safe for her to fight one of us.

Nat: She says she can, so let's see. What she can do.

You had been trained in every style of fighting. You had trained to mimic the avengers. You were used to making quick decisions and working with what you got. You knew how the Widows (having trained against them and fighting some) fought and knew how to counteract it.

As Tony hits the bell and the other kids come to the arena to see what was going on you get into a fight stance.

Nat jumps straight onto you and then spins you around but you reposition her legs and spin her around your head again and throw her onto the floor. She rolls on the mat and looks at you with shock. She tilts her head as she looks at you and you tilt yours in the same way. You calculate her next move and copy her as she rolls on her back and flips it into her signature pose.

Yn: such a poser

You think.

You stand up to leave. Nat smirks thinking she will catch you off guard and get out her knife. The team is shocked that she is bringing a knife into this. She lunges towards you and tries to stab you in your left shoulder, you slightly duck and move your head and grab her with your right hand and use it to spin you around. You spin her around and throw her to the ground holding her hand under your knee and your hand on her head. She slowly raises up and looks you in the eye. You push her with all of your might and she goes flying to the end of the mat.

You go to leave again and she starts to get back up. You can feel her move and run back to her and jump and use her as a board and she springs back again. You try to leave again not wanting to get over your head and hurt her. You do not see her using her grappling hook and ties it around your legs and puts it to the ceiling of the roof. You walk another 3 paces before you hit the ground and go up into the air. Everyone laughs and cheers for the Black Widow. What no one notices is you grabbing your sword/knife and with the momentum you have cutting the rope then using it to swing above her and land with a spiderman flip in front of her.

Everyone give you a shocked look as you stand in front of her with your sword to her throat, glaring at her with a murderous look. She puts her hands up and Steve throws his shield at her as she catches it. You take this as a challenge and start swinging your sword at her and she uses the shield to block it. Eventually she stands in front of you with the shield to her chest and you use it to kick her with all your strength and throw her to the otherside of the gym.

She groans as everyone looks at you with fear and shock. You look around at everyone and see all of their horrified faces. HYDRA had won. This is what they wanted: they wanted you to be so skilled and trained that you could survive anything, you would scare everyone, even the avenger. They had won.

You put your weapon away, grabbed your bag and ran out of the class and out of the school. You found a bench just out of the school you put your bag on it. You grabbed your fake passports and changed your clothes, hair and put on a face changer.

And you ran.

Part 2? 

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