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Means in Russian

You were part of SHIELD. The Winter Soldier had just been brought into the facility. You could sense something was going to happen but not sure what. You had been doing some of your own research and found his trigger words and had memorized them.

You were sitting with some other agents when the alarms went off. He was escaping. Everyone went to attack him, but you thought better of it. You were going to use brains instead of force.

You went to the fight scene. Just as he was trying to get to the stairs when Tony blasted him.

Yn: soldier

You yell

He stopped what he was doing and tried to look for you

Winter: where are you

Yn: right here soldier

Tony went to attack him. He looked at you and you shook your head and gave him trust me eyes, he walked away.

yn:Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, furnace, nine, benign, homecoming, one, freight car.

He looked at you blankly

Winter: ready to comply

You gave a slight smile

Yn: ok soldier take my hand

You said holding your hand out

He was confused but was told to do what you said. He tentatively took your hand in his

Yn: good job soldier

You knew that he was not going to respond to Bucky, Buck or James and needed to be called a Soldier.

You walked to a room that was small.

Yn: sit down soldier

He complied

Yn: stay.

You walked out of the room. You went to see the avengers

With them

Yn: Hello everyone

Tony: Hello, are you hurt?

Yn: no

Steve: Did he escape?

Yn: no, he is in a room down the hall.

Tony: How did you do it, agent?

Yn: when I took note of the way that he was able to beat the Captain I decided to do some of my own research. I found his tigger words that make him the Winter Soldier. So he will comply with anyone who says the words to him. I said them to him so he now listens to me.

Nat: well done Agent?

Yn: Agent yln.

Tony: So what does it mean by the fact that he will listen to you?

Yn: Well, he will follow my orders and listen to me. I doubt that he will listen to anyone else at the moment but we should help him.

Steve: I agree

Yn: so, I am assuming this will be under the Avengers eye however, I will have to be with him until further notice.

Tony: That is fine. Do you think you can get him to talk?

Yn: will try Mr Stark.

With that you turned on your heels and walked back to the room you had him in. as you instructed he was still there.

Yn: soldier.

With a small nod.

He looks at you blankly

Yn: soldier please call me yn.

Winter: yn?

Yn: yes. Now soldier, where did you get your arm?

Winter: the others took it. They cut it off while I was awake.

You went wide eyed

Yn: Did you get tortured much soldier?

Winter: everyday.

Yn: what was it?

Winter: brainwashing, lashings and beatings.

Yn: have you ever been medically checked on?

Winter: no

With that you take his hand and start to drag him out of the room when you get to the door he stops. You look at him

Winter: you said stay.

Yn:you slightly chuckle. "soldier when you are with me you can move around. Ok.

Winter: ok.

Yn: Do you trust me a little bit?

Winter: yes, you are nice.

You smile.

Yn: ok soldier, we are going into a room with a lot of medical equipment that you may recognize but they are not going to hurt they are going to help. Ok.

Winter: ok

You take winter down to the labs where Bruce and Tony are

Yn: Doctor Banner, Mister Stark, he needs immediate medical. He has been tortured and has never been medically seen to.

Their eyes widened and immediately got into action. They have him lay on the table and start doing check ups. Once all the exams are done. You pull Tony aside.

Tony: yes Agent yln

Yn: I was looking at his killings and found that he killed your parents. And before you lash out and walk over there to kill him. You should see how obedient he is while the Winter Soldier.

Tony: ok

Yn: soldier can you walk 10 paces towards me and then 2 to your left?

He does exactly that. Exactly 10 forward and 2 left.

Tony's eyes widen and then saden

Yn: see?

Tony: yes. Mad but know it is not him.

Over the next month winter is becoming less and Bucky is coming more. You have helped him through everything from replaps to nightmares.everything.

3 months later he is finally free. Winter is no more. It is just bucky.

Yn: hi Bucky

Bucky: Hello doll.

Yn: Can I test one thing on you? I need to record it for medical reasons, ok?

Bucky: ok.

yn: Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, furnace, nine, benign, homecoming, one, freight car.

Bucky is crying but does not respond.

Yn: Bucky?

Bucky: yeah

You smile, tears running down your face.

Yn: Bucky, you are free from the Winter Soldier.

He looks you in the eyes and starts to burst out in tears.

Yn: you did it.

You sent the video to everyone and they were all so proud of him and you. You are now a full avenger


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