field trip take 2

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A/N: this is unfinished comment or DM me if you want more

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TW: sensory overload 

* means in their heads

Means in russian

Emma and Peter were the children of the Avengers. Emma was Natashas and Steve's child and Peter was Pepper and Tony's child. They went by Peter Parker and Emma Lewis to their school. When they were asked how they know each other they said they were cousins, which is true, but they were so much more. They both had the same friend group Peter, Ned, MJ and Emma. Peter was Spiderman and Emma was Scarlet Witch (No Wanda). Not that anyone knew who they were.

It was Monday morning and Peter and Emma woke up and got ready for school.

Emma: morning Mum, morning Dad.

Peter: Morning Mum, Morning Dad.

Steve & Nat: morning Em

Pepper and Tony: Morning Pete

Pepper: got everything for school?

Nat: here are your lunches

Peter: yep and

Em: thanks.

With that they race out of the tower and to school.

Mj: morning losers

Em: Good morning to you too, MJ.

Ned: hey man

Peter: Hey Ned, we are all good for today.

Ned: yeah. We are finding out where we are going for our Decathlon field trip today.

Emma: I hope it is as far away from here as possible.

Mj: really, last time we had a field trip you both had to save us from an elevator.

Peter: I forgot about that.

Emma: ok maybe somewhere close.

They all laugh and head off to their first classes.

--- last period ---

Peter: Have you messaged our parents saying we are going to be late?

Em: no. Doing it now.

Em: done

--- decathlon meeting ---

Mr Harrington: Hello everyone, so here are your slips to the field trip where we are going to............... STARK INDUSTRIES also known as the avengers tower.

Everyone started cheering but Emma and Peter just looked at each other and then gave each other a death stare. Emma then started talking to Peter through her magic.

*Em: Pete we are so screwed.

Peter: Well I think everyone is about to find out.

Em: you think. Like what about FRI, our passes, our family and all the interns they only know us as a stark and rogers. How are we meant to get through everyone?

Peter: I have no idea Em, I have no idea. But we have to let our parents know. Or at least my mum and your dad. They hopfully won't embarasses us and then can try and hold the family down.

Em: we are in for one hell of a joy ride.

*Peter: yep.

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